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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Considering that 2K were the ones to force Outer Worlds to be an EGS exclusive, there is no doubt about it.
  2. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Well, I expected it to just be the lower cuts, I didnt actually expect for them to go "We will pay you for 500000 copies of your game if you publish on our treehouse for one year"
  3. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I wasnt going to buy it day/month/year/decade 1 anyway, but I wonder if Valve will do something to stop this. Publisher announces game on Steam, a few months/weeks before release they say it will be an Epic Store exclusive, people get pissed, devs get the blame. Poor guys at Obsidian updated the Steam database to add achievements and then got told it wasnt going to be on Steam for a year. What Epic is doing is quite scummy too. Apparently they are paying millions to publishers to make their games exclusive to the Epic Store for a year.
  4. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    https://twitter.com/OuterWorlds/status/1108423193138618369 You blew it.
  5. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    Bad CGI moe garbage.
  6. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    They HAVE to be.
  7. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It looked like every other failed game streaming service. You know, the ones that goes "pay us and we will render a game from a strict selection and stream it with under-average settings to your computer, with only a few seconds of latency". Also: No awareness at all. Like, holy shit, how you advertise your 'revolutionary' product along one of Nintendo's biggest failures (aside the Virtual Boy and WiiU), the game that started the Video Game crash and a console that means the end of an era for Sega.
  8. Moby

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Humble Bundle 20 Quite a weak bundle IMO. Tangledeep and Tooth and Tail look interesting, everything else is either meh or pure trash. And no extra games after a week.
  9. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wew lad. I expected Valve to do something after Origin, Uplay and Battlenet got some big names as exclusives, but I guess they are too busy counting money. Well, unless they do something NOW, a lot of devs will start to go to Epic to avoid Valve's 30% cut.
  10. Moby

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Almost all Neptunia games for $12. Never played it, but the gameplay seems solid, rampant fanservice aside. Shame I dont have a card to get it.
  11. Next you are going to tell me Santa isnt real and Jesus didnt happen.
  12. I liked when cellphones meant having a compact mean of comunication, instead of having a flatscreen TV that doesnt fits on your pocket. Kinda kills the 'cell' part if they are as big a regular phone.
  13. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    You are expecting too much from a company that makes their engines with sticks and chewed gum, then expects the fanbase to patch it for them.
  14. Moby

    apex legends

    Well, it made enough noise that Epic started to give free stuff on Fortnite. But probably made enough noise that EA will start to milk it to death.
  15. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I wonder if enough publishers start to do this, Valve will wake up and increase the dev's share or they wont give a shit like always.
  16. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Tetris Battle Royale actually got a laugh from me. So did that TERRIBLE looking preview of Dead of Daylight on the Switch. You already have seen Toon Link, now get ready for TOONIER Link. Shame literally nothing about Smash aside some quick Joker model preview.
  17. Moby


    Probably due watching Vinny play that "The Ring" Resident Evil on Dreamcast and reading the issues of Watamote I had missed, I had a dream where I was watching a flash animation about what would happen if Sadako/Ring Girl had feelings and was capable of rational thought instead of being just an anomaly. It was literally just Watamote, but with Sadako. (Which I have to add that changed into a harem manga all of a sudden)
  18. Following up the misadventures, we had a 43ºC day and then we had a HEAVY rain that lasted about 2 hours. It rained so much that literally all rooms in my house flooded, I was ankle deep in water. All wardrobes bases in the house got fucked up, we have to dry all the rugs and the AC adapter of the cable TV is squirting water. The rain started at around 1AM, the water started to go down at around 4AM and we only managed to dry the entire house at 6AM. My entire body hurts.
  19. Moby

    Touhou Containment Thread

    Because they are that old or because they make no sense?
  20. Moby

    Star Citizen

    You basically described most kickstarter games. It usually ends with the game releasing missing most features/not what was promised and then being a mediocre game for eternity or they just ship what they have and it becomes a terrible game.
  21. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    Cant wait for the "Common Kitchen appliances are girls" and the "Super market produts are girls" animes.