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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby


    The last shadow besides Aradia looks like Sollux. Or maybe its Mituna, but I would say Sollux before him.
  2. Moby


    Oh hey, looks like Sollux is back.
  3. Moby

    The final USB port on my laptop appears to be broken

    You could try to find one of these.
  4. Moby

    Dota General

    I'm okay with him looking like a mix of slug and mangler fish than that typical fishman on steroids.
  5. Are you cheating that black and white woman from whatsthatshitagain with this?
  6. Moby

    Real life TF2 items

    Is that a femur with nails on it?
  7. Moby

    Dota General

    Whats the problem with Slardar model again? The real problem.
  8. Moby

    Dota General

    What is the problem with Slardar model again?
  9. US Economy in a nutshell
  10. Moby


    Pretty sure she has a boyfriend. Also, what I would say? 'You are no Thief of Heart, but you stole it from me' BWHAHAHAHAHA no.
  11. Moby


    So, I went to college today, and there was a girl with a Hero of Breath shirt. The funny thing is that she looked like a female version of John, short hair, glasses and Hero of Breath shirt.
  12. Moby

    TF2 general

    Seriously? I thought it was going to be something like a Robot skin or a Pyro/Demo plushie that replaces grenades.
  13. Moby

    They killed it!!!

    They usually dont make a Daily Deal when there is 3+ games on Weekend/Midweek madness or during a sale (like the Linux one). Already happened before. Edit: Actually there is a daily deal. Its the game maker thing, only $250.
  14. Moby

    TF2 general

    You have to use the image link, not the image's wiki page link. '> <- This one
  15. Moby

    Dota General

    What AP and AD means again? They are heroes?
  16. Moby

    Dota General

    Then she is ganked by 5 guys and dies. Such is the cycle of life.
  17. Moby

    Game Grumps

    I think the main problem was they ignoring all the tutorials, then wandering like idiots without knowing what to do while the game was telling them.
  18. RubberFruit did it again.
  19. Moby

    Competitive Discussion

    Chrome is shit and Firefox is Master Race. althoughimusingchromeuntiligetabiggerhdd
  20. Moby

    TF2 general

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578981395575900805/5C47181DF18A402F03780B5C3E247D0FDD6618CE/ Best taunt ever.
  21. Moby

    Game Grumps

    Oh boy, it seems the Naughty Bear video went terribly wrong.
  22. Moby

    Dota General

    Is 84180 points the max?