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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby


    Its a good game, but its REALLY unbalanced and online play sucks. Still, the soundtrack is amazing.
  2. Moby


    >3 updates >PC broke :nuuu:
  3. Moby

    Magic The Gathering

    I still have my red/green deck, my cousins used to play this a lot, they had an giant box full of cards, but I think they sold it all
  4. Moby


    So much pony :derp:
  5. Moby

    Dota General

    Does timing out on bot matches counts as abandon? I remember one day internet was really shitty, I lost connection and took more than 5 minutes to connect, it was a bot match though.
  6. Indeed. There are these rails that come of the cooling fan and go to the CPU and chips, under them there are some metal plates with the thermic clay that stays just above the CPU and Video/Sound chips. The clay on the CPU and Video (or what I think its the video chip, its the medium sized chip) TOTALLY melted and got all over them. One of the clay blocks didnt melted, I guess its the Sound chip one (since its the smaller chip). Also my pc just turned off while I was writing this, I guess I ♥♥♥♥ed up something. @edit Hmm.... Yeah, I either fucked up something or finished it fucking itself. Now its overheating only by keeping it on for a while. Since I had to move the cooling fan to check the chips, maybe that was the last thing it needed to flip the fuck up. I guess I'll be off for a while!
  7. I'm having an annoying problem right now.At first, I thought it was only a TF2 problem, but now I noticied that its happening to any game that I play.Here is the problem: On any game I play, each time a sound plays for the first time, the game freezes for a second or so, every other time the sound plays, nothing happens.Anything else is fine, its just the sound. Playing with no sound didnt helped, the game still 'loads' the sound.Talked with my cousin, he said that maybe my PC overheated and damaged the Sound chipset.So, does anyone have any idea what I should do? Buying a new pc is out of question right now, changing the sound hardware too, since its a laptop.
  8. Well, after my pc pissing me off all the time by being unable to play even flash games propely, I decided to rip it open and check its guts. And I found the problem: It had overheat, that thermic clay melted and got all over the CPU and video chip. I think if I clean it and replace the clay it will work just fine in no time.
  9. Moby

    PETA's poképarody

    Also, Super Tofu Boy. Edmund actually kept posting on the PETA forums about Super Meat Boy until they actualy made a game about it.
  10. Moby

    Torchlight 2

    I'll guess you bought RTS games.
  11. Moby

    Torchlight 2

    Well, its a great game for $20. I'm not playing it for now since my pc is busted. But its totally worth the $20. Also they fucking nerfed the Outlander Glaive skill, holy shit I hate them
  12. Moby


    We had this backlog thread long ago, but... I'll quote my list again: All Half-Life games (x6)All Total War Games (x5)All Quake Games (x4)All Doom Games (x4)All Company of Heroes games (x3)All Hexen games (x4)All Hacker Evolution games (x3)And Yet It MovesAnomaly Warzone EarthAquariaAvadon: The Black FortressThe BallBattlefield 2 (Singleplayer)BEEPBIT.TRIP BEATBIT.TRIP RUNNERBlocks That MatterBrink (Singleplayer)Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the EarthCave Story+ (Best ending)CogsCommander KeenCrayon Pyshics DeluxeCritical MassDarwiniaDEFCONDefense GridDeus EX: GOTYDeus EX: Inivisible WarDoc Clock: The Roasted Sandwich of TimeDungeons of DreadmorEDGEElder Scrolls 3EufloriaE.Y.E.Fortix 2Frozen SynapseGishHammerfightHunted: The Demon's ForgeJamestownJolly RoverLIMBOLone SurvivorLugaru HDMachinariumMagickaMount & Blade: With Fire & SwordMultiwiniaNightSkyNikopolOsmosPenumbra: OverturePuzzle AgentReturn to Castle WolfensteinRevenge of the TitansRogue WarriorSairaSamorost 2SanctumSerious Sam: First & Second EncounterShankSidewayShadowgroundsShadowgrounds: SurvivorSnuggle TruckSonic GenerationsSpacechemStar Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicSteel StormSuperbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EPTori TokiTorchlight 1 & 2TRAUMATrine 1 & 2UplinkVVVVVVWasteland AngelWolfeinstein 3DWorld of GooXoticYour Doodles Are Bugged!Zen Bound 2Zombie Shooter 1 & 2 And my motherboard is ♥♥♥♥ed up, which means I wont play almost all for a long time I ended passing up 3 Indie Bundles because of this.
  13. Moby


  14. Moby

    I need to upgrade my graphics card.

    I would say to wait and upgrade both instead of just the card.
  15. Moby


    But....they are already dead.
  16. Are we posting YTPMVs? All right then
  17. Prob was already posted and people already saw it, but hey, why not?
  18. Moby


    These cards used to be a little overpriced around here, so people started to sell these mini Yu-gi-oh cards packets, each had 5 random cards for 20 brazillian cents (which is like 10 dollar cents) and you could find them at almost any newsstand. I still have a shitload of them. Then they decided to change the cards 'series' and make a whole bunch of them, 'Joey Series', 'Pegasus Series', etc. I remember the 'Ultra rare' packets, that only came with high level cards and monters, there was even an actual complete Exodia card. Other thing I remember about them is some cards had swapped stats and text and each card had its series name on its back. Still, I was young and I bought a shitload of them, around $10 worth of these cards.
  19. Moby

    Stamda's art dump

    I can immagine your drawing being a Godzilla with earbuds.
  20. Moby

    Stamda's art dump

    Binary, Hertz and DualJay?
  21. Moby


    As I said, because its bullshit. No game ever made, even the most awesome of them all, its worth $60. Borderlands 1 was $50 on realise, the sales got well, they made a sequel and slapped a $60 price for moar profit. And no, even with preorders bonus thats fair. Even worse that there is already a season pass for the DLC. thats really all there is to say on the matter
  22. Moby


    Because paying more than $50 for a game is bullshit.
  23. Moby

    This voiceover is made of win.

    You cant deny it. Thats who you are. A sick, sick person.