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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby

    Bad news.

    Open SAM, select game, click achievement, click the WIFI simbol on the uper corner. SMNC uses server-side achievements, SAM can only unlock client-side achievements. Its a good game, I would say it takes around 25+ games to get to level 20.
  2. Moby

    RTS Corner!

    I've only played Age of Empires 2 (plus the expansion) and Age of Mythology.Had fun on both games, but never played any other RTS after these.
  3. Moby


    Sad but true.I would say to watch out for people that are using Pros that are out of the rotation, or using skins, but then I remembered about an Assassin that cycled through every single Skin before selecting one, then proceded to die 20 times and leave mid game.Maybe it was a troll, but who knows.
  4. Moby

    Item names/descriptions thread

    I dont have many since I usually only use the Tags I find.KatanaCowmanglerPlaneswalker's GogglesWhiskered GentlemanA gift from Huff
  5. Moby


    Not really, I cant really explain it, but its pretty easy to understand it. Move bots, destroy Turrets, destroy moneyball, fight for the Annihilator, dont die.They added a tutorial last update, it shows and explains every mechanic in the game, and you can try any Pro for free on it.Try to play Megabeth on your first game, and try ALL pros on tutorial to understand how they work.
  6. Moby

    The Avengers SUCKED!!!

    Srs? A ticket for a 3D movie here is the same as a 2D, around $5.
  7. Moby

    The Avengers SUCKED!!!

    Well, I watched it today and it was amazing.Hulk was priceless. Sweeping the floor with Loki, punching Thor away, 1hit-killing the giant worm.
  8. Moby

    The Avengers SUCKED!!!

    Are we talking about Hulk or the Old Spice Guy?
  9. Prized as in 'makes my e-peen bigger' or 'I have fellings for it'?If A: My Sign of the Wolf's School #9If B: My Vintage Mining Light and my TWEWY Flair! Set
  10. Moby

    Theme Songs

    While I agree 'We Go!' is a great theme song, the first and the 10th are the best.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tfMHzIvUtE&feature=related
  11. Moby

    Music Thread

    Since I played both Ouendan games, there are some random J-Pop music that I like. Even without knowing what they are saying.As for me, Classic Music, classic rock, a bit of soul, many anime and video game musics.
  12. Moby

    Theme Songs

  13. Moby

    Fallout series

    Sure, it looks awesome and all, but even with 100 Explosives + Level 3 Demolition Expert perk, its damage isnt high enough. Unless I'm doing something wrong.It takes lots of rockets to kill something, most Divide enemies will barely feel the explosion damage and its suicide to use it at close range.I'd rather stick with the Grenade Launcher or the Grenade Machine Gun.
  14. Moby

    Fallout series

    Uh...hard to say. I'm not a pro on skills and perks, but this is what I think:I didnt saw much of a diference of getting Sneak to 100, I got it to 80 to get the Ninja perk.Melee is useful if you know what you are doing and have perks like Piercing Strike and Super Slam. Still dangerous to use against Deathclaws.Explosives are messy to use, and I found the Red Glare to be useless, but its good to get the Hit the Deck perk.
  15. Moby

    Fallout series

    As I said, some other weapons I dont remember and I still got my ass kicked around. Since the Deathclaws are mostly on the highway bit, its was kinda easy to kill them with Sneak Crits.And think I had a Riot Shotgun from a Marked Man, that thing with Shotgun Surgeon is a beast.
  16. Moby

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Soul Eater had that ending because it was a weekly anime of a monthly manga. It would never work.Last time I read it they were going to find the Kishin....ON THE MOON!As for other animes, One Piece is the only one I'm watching, since they removed all the violence on Fairy Tail and Toriko, and Naruto is probably having a filler arc again.The last anime I watched was Black Lagoon, which is basically people shooting stuff, assexual assassin children twins (that get brutally murdered), a french maid that looks like the Terminator and elderly nun that uses a Golden Desert Eagle. With one hand.Also, this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcHPb8LE0ns
  17. Moby


    Ohh...The gameplay looks pretty smooth, wonder which are going to be Jakobs and Atlas special mods.
  18. Moby

    Fallout series

    Well, I dont think it makes much of a diference to get ED-E before starting it, maybe just dialogue changes.As for what to carry, you will fight only 3 things in there: Deathclaws, Marked Man and Lizard Man. So I recommend lots of Stimpacks and heavy weapons like the Anti-Materiel Rifle. I went there with the GRA Rifle, the unique Gauss Rifle and some other weapons I dont remember, and I got my ass kicked around sometimes.Marked Man arent difficult, maybe you find one or 2 with rocket launchers, but they are as strong as a Brotherhood Paladin.The boss Marked Man use different weapons; bumber swords, flamers, etc.Lizard Man are like lesser Deathclaws, arent hard to kill, but they usually swarm you if you arent careful, the worst part is the elevator one, where you have to fight lots of them while dodging explosions.Deathclaws here are stronger than default Mojave Deathclaws, so watch out.
  19. Moby

    Fallout series

    I kind you can rebuild Roxie each 24 hours.Toaster only lives if you have bad karma in the end. I managed to let Mobius live, somehow I got the right dialogue combination and could select the exit option for his glitchy dialogue without killing him.The bloatfly was annoying, but I figured out that you can shoot it from the platform above it, and it cant hit you with the plasma blasts.Good DLC, for me the most annoying is Dead Money.Fucking Dead Money.Removes ALL your items, poison clouds, bear traps, explosives, mines, rigged shotguns, radios that make you bomb collar explode, Ghost People everywhere and you cant go back once you finish it.The only good thing about it, aside the unique weapons, is the vending machine on the Abandoned Bunker, easy Stimpacks and chems. AND OF COURSE, you have to know that you need to win 7500 chips at the Sierra Madre Casino to get the holotape that lets you trade the vouchers for chips after you finish the DLC.Also, when somehow this happened:http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/578955137279744603/F8F37766F9D02DC6089493B1A83B781744E066E9/
  20. Moby


    I dont live in Europe, but I played a lot of this game on the Xbox.I do own it on Steam, but I dont want to go back and redo every single quest again or try to find the weapons I had back then.Does the Knoxx Armory exploit still works? The one that lets you fall through the floor and farm rare chests forever?
  21. Moby

    Black Ops 2 trailer

  22. Moby

    The Replay sharing thread!

    A normal round against Guy.
  23. Moby

    Xiaolin Showdown

    Well, that just reminded me of something.Tara Strong voiced Omi and Applejack reminded me of Clay the first time I saw MLP. I guess its destiny or something.
  24. Moby

    Xiaolin Showdown

    I loved this show. I FUCKING LOVED IT!Last time I saw, Omi freezes himself and creates a alternate universe where Jack rules, then he goes back in time, and then goes back again, and the brazillian guy becomes the Xiaolin Master, then they stoped airing it.FFFFFFFF-