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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby

    Choose my next Steam avatar

  2. *reads thread title*
  3. Moby

    What have you given away?

    Nothing.Maybe that Medal for Nitz, but only because he gave me his.
  4. Half-life. Dont see anything special on it, played a bit of the original one and the second one, but there isnt anything that great on it.
  5. Moby

    Cry of Fear

    I was wondering where I saw this name.
  6. Moby

    What am I doing wrong with HLDJ?

    Its either this:The server isnt configured to accept HLDJorThe music is badly converted, try using the HLDJ's own converter.
  7. Moby

    Japanese shows!

    Cant deny this, but I still loved it.
  8. Moby

    Japanese shows!

    Oh, here its a good anime for those who like cute art style, foul language, sex jokes and stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooA21BGBFLM and here is a bit of another anime made by the same guys.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbDPjrICgVM
  9. Moby

    Mods are OP

    *cough cough*Is not like you dont abuse your mod powers on the spuf server.*cough cough*
  10. Moby

    Super SPUF Fighter

    Lets see... Moby Appearance: '> Hat: Hatless Weapon: Sandai Kitetsu Attacks: Whatevermancy: A secret wizard style that employs the art of not caring about anything, doing, like, stuff and maybe some explosions. Gives existencial damage. Geek Knowledge: Using the infinite knowlegde about games and western and japanese shows, he can randomly summon one of the 3000 characters to help him. Drawing-Fu: Using his medium drawing skills, he can keep opponents at bay with ink slashes and digital flashes. Roulette Punch: A strong straight punch with random stats, it may be infused with hats, sarcasm, nightmares, ponies, demonic aura, toons or pure Zero Energy. FINAL REP SMASH: Giga Piercing Sarcasm Breaker: Jumping on his mech, a robot made of concentrated sarcasm energy, he pulls a huge drill made of concentrated sarcasm metal that can pierce the reality itself. Gives existencial damage, may activate his demonic side, doubling his speed, agility and attack power, but defence is reduced by 75%.
  11. Moby

    tf2: the drill fists

  12. Moby

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    I have to remind you guys that EA are the publisher, they didnt made these games, but they did corrupted Bioware.
  13. Moby

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

  14. Moby

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Didnt you said it meant 'The Banned' or something?
  15. We shouldve kept the password. It was better that way.Now people are sprsrsbsns about not being srsbsns, aside of when there is 3 PLAYERS micspamming at the same time.
  16. Moby

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Some episode of Fairly OddParents. The one with Tom Sawyer.Then I started to play ragnarok and didnt had any idea for a name. Moby Duck was first 'creative' thing that I thought of.
  17. Moby

    The Protomen

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyCaPOAtpx0 Its Megaman related, dont hit me!
  18. Moby

    Japanese shows!

    I remember the plot, but not the names. If I recall, she finds a book on her house's libary, frees a bunch of cards, that bear thats actually a winged tiger comes out of the book, they go around capturing cards, there was that lesbian that always made cosplay suits for Sakura, her brother could see their mom's ghost, there was that kid with a green chinese suit and chinese sword that knew about the cards, he had an annoying cousin and also had a crush on a boy with grey hair that Sakura also had a crush, the guy with grey hair is actually a guardian of the cards, then there was a second season where she had to turn the 'Clown cards' into 'Sakura cards', her teacher was a witch, there was a kid that was the rebirth of the Clown Mage....... Yeah, I watched all episodes.
  19. Moby

    Your first vidya gaem?

    Alex Kidd on the SEGA Master System.Played it when I was 2.Seriously.
  20. Moby

    Japanese shows!

    Sakura Card Captors. I watched all episodes + the movie.
  21. Moby


    My favorite tact was having no tact. Just throw the pokemon and keep using his strongest attack. BAM, Elite 4 defeated.
  22. Moby

    Kony 2012

    Well, I'll try to ask this without sounding like an asshole.Will something happen to me if I dont give a fuck? I have no way to donate and/or care about it.
  23. Moby

    What would make a good ARG?

    Pirates. YAAARGG!!