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Everything posted by Moby

  1. I dont have an international credit card :/
  2. Moby


    Apparently some shit went down in the channel. Someone uploaded a shock video disguised as a Kirby music, then TripleQ got booted from the channel (thank god for that, this hypocrite pissbaby was shitting all over the channel with his terrible videos)
  3. Huh, thats weird, a friend of my dad died a few weeks ago too, heart attack. He used to be a close friend of his, but they didnt maintain contact, and it turns out he was the cook from where my mom worked.
  4. Moby

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    It's time for Jack to let 'er rip.
  5. Moby

    The Adventures of Admiral Doe (CYOA)

    >Ask Red Medic for money
  6. Moby

    ITT: We make an anime

    The anime I would make was already made and is called Megas XLR
  7. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    >mfw last Attack on Titan chapter Fucking RIP Coconut head.
  8. Moby

    E3 2016

    At least you can climb that mountain. In the demo, at least. Also, big maps dont mean shit today, see Skyrim, Far Cry and Just Cause. Giant maps, only 10% of it has stuff to do, the others 90% are just giant fields of NOTHING that you have to walk just to unlock the quick travel.
  9. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Save me from this meme hell
  10. Pet pigeons != street pigeons AKA flying rats
  11. Moby

    E3 2016

    - 99% of the games were prerendered videos 'made with ingame engine' - CoD is the same shit IN SPACE - Ubisoft went full cringe and Freddie's bones are probably still rattling in his grave - WatchDogs 2 will disapoint again - Crash Bandicoot remaster for the 3 first games. No new games though, only a Skylanders toy. - Giant Enemy Crab attacks again - Skyrim remaster for some fucking reason - Class-based Quake - Bethesda wont remake Morrowind or make good RPGs ever again because they have to water down/remove all RPG elements to pander to CoD kiddies - Pokemon - Zelda is now a mix of Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and Dark Souls - God of War is now The Last of Us: Viking edition - Kojima shoves all these pachinko machines up Konami's ass - New Mount & Blade, South Park RPG, Worms, Spiderman and Bad Rats (Not joking on this last one) - EA is trying to keep Titanfall alive, not a xbone exclusive anymore - MicrosofUPGRADE NOW TO WINDOWS 10, EXCLUSIVE TO XBOX ONE AND WINDOWS 10 - That one hentai game about the werewolf girl was released Thats all I know
  12. Moby

    E3 2016

    Zelda's Creed and The Last of Us: God of War edition were kinda of a letdown.
  13. Moby


    Into the trash she goes
  14. Moby

    E3 2016

    PS Vita officially burried Crash Bandicoot!.......ports from the PS1, with more bloom. Wew. Ubisoft, plain trash. What the fuck was that, I'm glad Freddie wasnt alive to see that. Beyond Good and Evil 2 release is probably the same as HL3.
  15. Moby

    The Adventures of Admiral Doe (CYOA)

    >Trial by battle, the winner joins the party
  16. Moby

    E3 2016

    Microsoft conference in a nutshell
  17. Moby

    Orlando Shootings

    You know, I feel like the day where someone is going to get fed up and nuke that place just in case is getting near.
  18. I've tried it, but I have no idea how people like dry noodles
  19. Moby

    E3 2016

    >Over 9000 joke I'm out.
  20. Moby

    E3 2016

    I gotta say, Bethesda lost its touch with RPGs and now can only make good shooters. They pretty much said 'Oh wow more than 3 dialog choices, we cant remake that many'
  21. Moby

    E3 2016

    Ok, this seems nice, but feels like something wicked comes this way. Also Prey 2 was canceled and its getting a reboot haha oh wow And new Mount & Blade game, now we are talking
  22. Moby

    The Adventures of Admiral Doe (CYOA)

    >Benchpress nearest heavy object
  23. Moby

    Payday General

    'Biker packS'? I guess sort of removing the microtransactions was just to open the way for several more paid DLC packs.
  24. Moby

    E3 2016

    And why? Is there anything new to show?
  25. Moby

    E3 2016

    Back then we actually got gameplay and new IPs. Now its always the same shit 'Here is some prerendered trailer with no gameplay which we put a small text saying its made with the ingame engine, preorder now to get a free day 1 skin! Season pass already available!' 'Here is a game idea, support us on kickstarter pls!' 'Remember that game you used to like? Well, fuck you, its going to get a terrible remake and its going to be some console exclusive'