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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby

    Dota General

  2. Moby

    Dota General

    Arc Warden and Pit Lord will be released in the 2016 International it seems.
  3. Moby

    World of Warcraft

    I find it funny that WoW will have a tubeman update after Warframe did it
  4. Moby

    Dota General

    Hell yes.
  5. Moby

    Reddit shitstorm

    It was kinda obvious that whatsherface was just a escape goat
  6. Someone new joined the forum hours ago. Literally who
  7. Moby

    Dota General

    ​I never played Rose or Mu (although I saw my cousin playing Mu once), but I played a lot of Flyff and Conquer back in the day. I actually got back to Flyff a few years ago and was suprised that my account still existed, but I couldnt remember my storage password and then stopped playing a week later or so.
  8. Moby

    Dota General

    ​Oh god that game.
  9. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    A PS Vita + Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale + Uncharted Golden Abyss + a 4GB Memory Card for around $170, yay or nay?
  10. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Konami just announced a new Silent Hill after firing Kojima and canceling the last one. Its a pachinko machine. I'm not joking.
  11. Moby

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

  12. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​When is the PC port due to btw?
  13. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Use muh referal code so I can get a dragon.
  14. Moby

    Just Webcomics

    Sometimes I like to read Sinfest to remind myself how far a man can fall
  15. Moby


    At least the volcano didnt launched you into space
  16. Moby


    U17 is here, new frame, missions, underwater levels, several new weapons, mods and a shitton of stuff
  17. Moby

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Mortal Kombat X Bundle, game 7 DLCs for $19.99 The PC port is horrible, netcode and lag is terrible, there are DRMs and DLCs dont work while offline.