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Everything posted by Moby

  1. You did far better than I would. I would try to kindly ask her to cut that out, in a 'dude, what the fuck' way, I'm not good with dealing with other people's emotional problems, so I bet it would sound out rude. At least she had you to vent and slap her back to her senses before anything went out of control. I think that is worth at least a banana sticker. Underlated edit: I just noticed the last 4 posts (including me) have catgirl avatars.
  2. Moby


    They used to be on the navegation screen, but I think they ended 1-2 days ago. Floopy disks like currency are credits, you use them for buying weapon blueprints and some other items. Hockey puck like currency is platinum, you use it for buying cosmetics (aside Steam ones), buying already crafted weapons/frames, catalysts/reactors to double your mod capacity and some newbie traps like random mod packs, credit packs and resources.
  3. Moby


    I usually get my oxium from syndicate missions. The osprey spawn rate there is quite high. Last time I checked I had about 40-50k?
  4. Moby


    It used to be 14000. At least for the first couple of days.
  5. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    I only watched PTE and a few episodes of Overlord. I'm happy that PTE will get a second season.
  6. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Seems good ol' Rockstar fucked up something on GTA 5 and pretty much everyone is getting banned from Online after a few hours. I didnt play since the day before, so it seems I'm fine. If anyone here plays it, I'd suggest not playing it until its sorted. Apparently they updated some server-side files and that fucked everything.
  7. I never drank any, but my brother says it usually tastes like sugar with a hint of flavor. Coffee, cola, guarana, sugar. Mostly sugar, maybe a bit of battery acid.
  8. Moby


    I actually have a riven for all snipers but the Vulkar. Snipetron was my first riven, Vectis/Rubico were found quite close to each other and I managed to get a Lanka riven for 50p. I have to get rid of some of my rivens, too much stuff I'll never use.
  9. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wouldnt doing the same combo mean you know what the enemy will do, thus being able to counter it, unless you are the noob in the equation?
  10. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    My problem with SE Skyrim is that Bethesda is still using a higher exchange rate, making it cheaper to buy the old Skyrim plus DLC than buy SE at 50% off. Maybe I should have bothered to get the Legendary edition when it was 75%, but since my PC was pretty much dead, I thought "Oh well, there is always the next sale". There wasnt a next sale.
  11. Moby


    Its a shame because I deleted a Tiberon riven a month ago. I thought they wouldnt release another prime burst rifle that soon.
  12. Moby


    Easy plat.
  13. Moby


    No and yeah. They just removed being able to buy more than one syandana since they changed how arcanes work. You still can get more syandanas by other means, like events and twitch drops. Some people got like 20 or so syandanas from when they were testing twitch drops.
  14. Considering they gave him 2 years to live back when he was 21, I'd say he got a pretty good run. He probably would have lived far past the 100s if he didnt had that sickness.
  15. So now Hawkings died. Sheesh, this year is going pretty fast with the famous deaths.
  16. Was the other guy driving a truck or something, it looks like it almost ran you over.
  17. Clearly it was the work of our rat overlords. You got lucky today, but they will be back. Glad you are ok though.
  18. Might as well burn the entire house
  19. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Just finished Skyrim and both DLCs. Now I can just remove it from my wishlist. Which talking about it, Skyrim no longer shows on my wishlist (Its marked as if its there if I go straight to the hidden store page) nor on 'trending among friends'. No Todd, I wont buy your overly expensive port with slightly bigger textures and paid mods.
  20. Yep, but thats how it works. They have more people wanting to serve than they have room for, so if people dont want to join, they just let them be for whatever reason. Unless you show you are a dickbag, then they make sure to get you. Either way everyone needs to go through the whole enlistment process when they turn 18, because everything asks you to be up to date with military obligations.
  21. Service around here is also mandatory, but they exempt people for almost anything (college, job, sickness, not wanting to). They do offer a lot of classes and jobs now, if people can handle it.
  22. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/731490/Crash_Bandicoot_N_Sane_Trilogy/ The Swiitch release made me wonder and this was the first item on my Steam queue. Neat.
  23. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Shovel Knight showed more in other games than his own. Hat Kid and Hollow Knight would be perfect though.
  24. Moby


    Yeah, they said Baro would bring relics with vaulted stuff now and then. Makes sense for them since they wont need to work on a new item for Baro each 2 weeks if they can just put a few items in relics.