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Everything posted by Moby

  1. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If Nintendo can make people spend $80 on cardboard and rubber bands, that means they are doing something right or everyone else is that stupid.
  2. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Probably yeah. I've heard Frigate is super random due the hostages escape route, I saw a video of some guy doing it in 1:00, but he missed the bomb defusal kit and didnt complete all objectives.
  3. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Is the Frigate WR still 1:01?
  4. Something scary happened today and doggo nearly died. She was feeling a lot of pain and we couldnt find what was it aside of being some sort of infection. We tried antibiotics, but didnt help. Today we brought her to the veterinary (a family of japanese veterinaries actually), he did a test to see if it was a tick disease, but wasnt. We did an ultrasound and found out she had infection on her uterus. He looked at the scans and called for an emergency surgery. They removed her uterus which was swollen and was weighting around 800g due the sheer amount of pus inside. She weighted 8kg before the surgery. If we took any longer, that thing could have burst and killed her. She is fine now, will take a few days to recover a bit, then a full month for a complete recover. They are an amazing bunch. The older guy, which talks with broken portuguese, boasted about the 'japanese surgery technique, best in world' (An horizontal cut on the side, instead of the default vertical cut on the belly). He even scolded his son because he didnt noticied the infection with his bare hands. (Shamefur dispray)
  5. Moby

    TF2 general

    I once found that someone made video of me messing around with my Saxxy some months after I got it. Was just me playing as a Demoknight when the Spendid Screen used to always give a full crit after a bash, I kill like 3 guys, save the guy doing the video from a Scout, then the round ends and we kill ourselves. I think the guy deleted the video/his account, because I cant find it anymore.
  6. I guess people ARE buying more RAM after all.
  7. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Cant argue with that.
  8. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Wasnt Second Life literally VRchat?
  9. What about Tan Cirno that represents the aspect of Summer?
  10. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I guess you never saw it coming.
  11. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    So are the ones in Steven Universe, but doesnt stops them from being draw with a femenine appareance.
  12. Moby

    Anime General Discussion

    I honestly dont think I've watched anime this last year. Were Mob and Luluco made in 2017? I'm kinda lost in time. People are saying good stuff about Steven Universe that CGI anime about the lesbian space rocks.
  13. Moby

    Official happy new year 2018 thread

    Its 2018 since 2 hours ago for me, so Happy New Year for everyone that is still around. I hope we get another good year for vidya, weaboo stuff and everyone getting a job, getting married and having kids.
  14. Reddit posting style, but every post is replaced by the Nutshack theme.
  15. Moby

    SPUFPowered 2017 Secret Santa!

    I got and sent the secret santa stuff a few days ago.
  16. Moby

    Doujin/Japanese Indie Games

    What do you even get by giving 15 gifts? I pretty much got all the Christmas costumes just from playing with randoms.
  17. Moby


    Seems to be a recent glitch. Looking at the forum and reddit, it looks like that if the host has "Particle System Quality" set to "Low" it seems to break Ravenous for all players. "Particle System Quality" on "Medium" fixes it for all players (just not visually)."
  18. Moby


    Oh, they added a small prologue to the next main quest. You gotta finish Second Dream, War Within and Chains of Harrow, then interact with an orb that shows up on the new room.
  19. Moby

    TF2 general

    Just because I thought I was going to have all possible festives (but the Bat), they added like 50 new festives and didnt give a free festivizer like the other year (coincidentely, the year I stopped playing and didnt bother to resintall TF2 to get the freebie)
  20. Moby


    Both Argon and Nitain are annoying resources because Argon cant be stockpiled (half of it vanishes every 24h) and Nitain cant be actively farmed (4-5 alerts per day, only drops at a low chance from missions with hidden caches, isnt affected by resource booster). I'm glad for the Twitch drops and the achievement farmers because I got about 80 Nitain from it. Its a bit annoying, but as I said, Limbo makes it trivial. I'd look for a guide, because I'm not the best guy to explain it. Check this one.
  21. Moby


    Spy missions are better solo, so you dont have anyone to blame for failing but yourself. Lua Spy looks hard, but its rather easy with Limbo, since he can bypass the lasers. So does Ivara with her augment. Been a while since I did it, but I think A is the wall cling vault, B is the one with the portals and the long stairs and C is the one with several halls of lasers and the simon says puzzle at the end.
  22. Moby

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yeah, I know that the only way to get the cool stuff on online in a single lifetime is to get modded/cheated money, since TakeTwo is so desperate for money that they block you from grinding too much. I dont know anyone that still plays GTA V, but I forgot about the MP into singleplayer mod. I remember there was some shitstorm when they stopped putting the MP content on single player, then added protection so stuff dissapears/explodes if you spawn MP content on single player. Not in a rush to get it, so I'll wait until Christmas. inb4 its the last time it will ever be on sale like the original Skyrim edition with all DLC, which got hidden from the store and never gets on sale and the only one I can buy is the overpriced 'special' edition.
  23. Moby

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Watch Dogs 1, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and World In Conflict: Complete are all free on Uplay until the 23th. Same stuff like on Steam and Humble Bundle, just associate it to your account and you will keep it forever. Also Layers of Fear + Soundtrack is free on Humble Bundle, activates on Steam.