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Everything posted by KillaWaliid

  1. KillaWaliid

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I recently reinstalled Bad Company 2 since that's a Battlefield game which my pc can run and it's still pretty fun. I used to play BF2 and 2142 a lot before, and still have a copy of 2142. I heard there is a good Star Wars mod for that. I also found the box for Rise of Nations. There is a serial key in it, but it lacks the CD, doh. Haven't played that for years.
  2. KillaWaliid


    There may or may not be 8 gold ingots in free chest right now. you better hurry
  3. KillaWaliid

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Prince of Persia games on sale. All of them are 80% each on Steam. I used to play Sands of Time on PS2 when I still had that, and it still is my favorite game ever. and the two more recent PoP games might have uplay. If you're new to the series and is thinking of buying at least one. Start with Sands of Time, which is the first game of the original trilogy.
  4. KillaWaliid


  5. KillaWaliid

    League of Legends

    Mid: Ahri Support: Sona ADC: Caitlyn I don't usually play top, and have never done jungling
  6. KillaWaliid


    best score 6108. Ok I'm done with this, but it was fun
  7. KillaWaliid

    Animation General

    I don't think I watched every episode of Samurai Jack, so I might have to do that sometime. I actually thought it got cancelled or something.
  8. KillaWaliid

    League of Legends

    I mostly play support, but I enjoy mid and adc as well. As support it's usually Sona. I tried a round as Annie support but that went horribly, though I just bought the Annie skin that was on sale, so I'll try her again sometime. I dont really play ranked, but a friend invited me once and went support. For some reason people kept leaving and I kept becoming the guy that bans, and I banned Kassadin first cause he so big and scary, though now that I've seen Rammite's post about exactly this I probably won't do that again. We won the game, but appearently Leona is pretty popular and did screw us up early on during that game. I might get her as my next support, or Blitzkrank. And I once had a ARAM game as Jinx and got 20+ kills/assists and 0 deaths. t'wasfun.
  9. KillaWaliid

    Game Of Thrones

    I finished the fourth book last month. and currently saving up the 5th book for after exams/summer vacation. The trailers for season 4 are pretty good Spoiler tag cause sort of book related
  10. KillaWaliid

    League of Legends

    That's pretty spot on. I currently don't play anything really (busy), but my EUW account name is kwaleed. I still find League fun, but I usually play Dota 2 a lot more. also price tag on name change is the dumbest thing ever.
  11. KillaWaliid


  12. KillaWaliid

    Cute stuff.

  13. KillaWaliid

    Smache Brothers

    I like Zelda and Kirby, but I don't really have any "main". It seems most resonable for me to get the 3DS version. gaming on TV hasn't been very optional for me
  14. KillaWaliid


    Since when has it not been? That's the charm of TPP I suppose it is. I didn't watch TPP much during the first time. I just found it hard to watch it for too long so I stopped, but I did end up checking it up once in a while. It started off pretty badly. The starting town took them 3 hours and 20ish minutes to get passed the first route, and onto the first area. oh and yay 600th post.
  15. KillaWaliid


    Twitch Plays Pokemon just started again. Crystal. edit: Ok, no. This is stupid.
  16. KillaWaliid

    Hello nerds

  17. This is heating up pretty rapidly..
  18. KillaWaliid

    we media now

    I suppose I could post this here. I ordered a mouse pad from ArtsCow and got couple of days ago. I used some discount code i found on reddit a while ago. The one behind it is an old one I ordered long ago, when someone made a thread about free mousepads on SPUF. I'm still using the engineer one, keeping the new one safe for eventual later use
  19. KillaWaliid

    Tribes: Acend

    My reason of quitting the game was the same. Plasma gun was insane when it was first released. There are still annoying weapons in the games, such as the grenade launcher which could easily spam and still do lot of damage. I haven't played it too much so I might have just been lucky on my first 2 hours of it and not noticed the current major issues of the game. The balance is most likely bad in the game since the devs abandonded the game, and from what I heard was that it was left in a buggy state, but I haven't noticed any bugs yet.. Too me, however, it can still be fun to play it from time to time. There aren't many games like the Tribes series.
  20. Nothing happened. Nothing suspicious at all.

    1. KillaWaliid


      If something happened, yes.

      Nothing. I dough know what you're talking about.

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Oh my god it was the worst possible thing ever but it's fine now so don't worry about it guys

    3. Argeon


      "Oh my god who cares?"

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. KillaWaliid

    Tribes: Acend

    there are active servers, quite a few actually. At least on the Amsterdam region but way less activity then before. I dont know the price of that pack, but it could be worth buying if the game wasn't a dying. Hi-rez aren't even updating it anymore and that really sucks.
  22. KillaWaliid

    Tribes: Acend

    Recently started playing this again. It's still fun, but it can get frustrating sometimes The f2p model is still shit, but im enjoying it with most of the default stuff.
  23. KillaWaliid


    Thanks for the answer, not sure why my comment mysteriously vanished. So I had a dumb question, might as well ask now. Is the differerence between X and Y just slightly different pokemons or is it usually more then that? I'm thinking of buying 3DS soon so yuuuh.
  24. KillaWaliid

    Free stuff

    Can I have the Shadowcat set? or the Trophy of the Shadowcat.