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Everything posted by 2560x1600@120hz

  1. 2560x1600@120hz

    Wreck-it Ralph

    I don't have an innuendo-capable name.
  2. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

  3. 2560x1600@120hz

    Wreck-it Ralph

  4. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    No, that's better than an erection.
  5. 2560x1600@120hz

    This is good

    I thought it was a parody of the typical xXx @$$@$$1N Pr0 MLG xXx fragvids but this guy was serious. Awful and it gave me seizures which then gave me cancer.
  6. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    Also, remember that DotA-Style RTS games have the single worst communities in existence. The primary reason for people who hate DotA-Style RTS games to hate them.
  7. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    The 10% buff was unnecessary. Centaur Warchief as a hero was also not needed.
  8. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

  9. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    Awfully stacked teams. :/
  10. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    He's yours.
  11. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    It was over in 15. We went Random Draft and they all got their crutch heroes while we got unfamiliar ones. We're doing AP now.
  12. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    Ah, the humble map diagram. Not seen since the new days.
  13. 2560x1600@120hz


    What about Counter-Strike: Extreme Gore Edition?
  14. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    I love it when you lose only because your support "stopped caring".
  15. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    And Undying Zombie has incapacitated Roshan! Activating the Runes alerts the horde!
  16. 2560x1600@120hz


    Wait... You're not the Joker?!
  17. 2560x1600@120hz


    You're right. A Spy Skullface would have been better.
  18. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    It's like playing Scout on 2fort and just as effective once they know your drill.
  19. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    Es gud.
  20. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    What is this trickery?
  21. 2560x1600@120hz


    This. Also, go to a drug store the day after Halloween. Buy all the candy at discount.
  22. 2560x1600@120hz


    RAMIREZ Do everything.
  23. 2560x1600@120hz


    People really need to finish Rammite's name when making a thread title.
  24. 2560x1600@120hz

    Name My...

    "Gigolo Jagger" "He's got the moves" PERFECT SCATTERGUN NAME.
  25. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    Wait up for me!