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Everything posted by 2560x1600@120hz

  1. 2560x1600@120hz

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I always thought the introductory procedure was kind of dumb and immature. When someone joins a community they should be allowed to expect some courtesy up front. >.< Anyways, welcome and ignore the weird threads. You'll know them when you see them.
  2. 2560x1600@120hz

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Welcome to SubSpuf! Enjoy your stay and make a few friends.
  3. 2560x1600@120hz

    What'cha been playing?

    Not as bad as DE:HR's boss fights.
  4. 2560x1600@120hz

    Hear me out here.

    Guy will be killed, reanimated and killed again IN EVERY SCENE.
  5. 2560x1600@120hz

    TF2 general

    So, does she want to play TF some time or what? I was thinking spufserver.
  6. 2560x1600@120hz

    we media now

    ----870dmg crit drow arrow-----> His head.
  7. 2560x1600@120hz

    Hear me out here.

    What, no Chinese commies?
  8. 2560x1600@120hz

    What'cha been playing?

    Quake is the miracle shooter.
  9. 2560x1600@120hz

    TF2 general

    Half-Life, Unreal Tournament? She has taste. Anyways, just make her play medic or pyro 24/7.
  10. 2560x1600@120hz

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Why do I feel like I'm the only non-cannibal here? And no, I don't eat any "sandwiches" the cafiteria serves.
  11. 2560x1600@120hz

    we media now

    Every time I get mad at AP pubs, I see some of the things you guys put up and I suddenly want to play Dota again.
  12. 2560x1600@120hz

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Go home and die. Phantom Assassin is better actually.
  13. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    Dotam E-Peen extended by 1 inch.
  14. 2560x1600@120hz

    Dota General

    There's this hero called Balanar.
  15. 2560x1600@120hz

    Favorite role?

    Initiation and support. I can't carry well.
  16. 2560x1600@120hz

    Competitive Discussion

    Where is your comp TF2 experience to back that erroneous claim up?
  17. 2560x1600@120hz

    Old Man FoxTrot's stories of stupidness

    Isn't it against mod rules to outright threaten people with bans?
  18. 2560x1600@120hz

    Stuff Happened.

  19. 2560x1600@120hz

    Rule Updates

    Now we have to recreate that movie with the spuf cast in place of the normal actors.
  20. 2560x1600@120hz

    TF2 general

    Revolver is best gun.
  21. 2560x1600@120hz

    Rule Updates

    Modeling the infraction system after SUF's system is a regrettable decision. Well, everything has officially gone from being "420 smoke wee erryday lax" to
  22. 2560x1600@120hz


    Everyone sits in dark corners and jerks off while pondering this mystery.
  23. 2560x1600@120hz

    Monitor is burnt out.

    Magickus, there's this cool beeping sound coming from B, you should check it out. It's going very fast so get there before it stops!
  24. 2560x1600@120hz

    Monitor is burnt out.

    Lay off the Blingee
  25. 2560x1600@120hz

    TF2 general

    I've always wondered why they even bother with servers.