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Everything posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Doopliss2008


    You know what, imma going to read this (for reals) from the start to finish Archive binge incoming!
  2. Doopliss2008


    Everyone likes catgirls...ehh.. cattrolls?
  3. Doopliss2008

    Legalizing Weed

    If you do, send the rest of us some samples, please.
  4. Doopliss2008

    Legalizing Weed

    Methinks its going to be like cigars and whatnot, you need to be of age, and lods of tax.
  5. Doopliss2008


    We had to limit it to 6 words, one of my friends did "Always prepared for the zombie apocalypse"
  6. Doopliss2008

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    I guess "Rocky mountain high" has a new meaning now.
  7. Doopliss2008

    Describe fellow SPUFers with tropes.

    http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FurryFandom http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EverythingIsBigInTexas dunno much more
  8. Doopliss2008

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    Soo, Colorado and Washington legalized weed. Say Binary or Huff(when you are back), you be willing to send "care packages" to the rest of us?
  9. Doopliss2008

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    Although I support Obama, I will still salute Romney for all his effort in this Champlain.
  10. Doopliss2008

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    wait roughly 24 hours, they will have sorted things out.
  11. Doopliss2008

    Computer Mishaps

    Big mistake, they may format the hard disk, you should have taken it out beforehand. just poot the HDD in another computer, and get nuu drivers.
  12. Doopliss2008

    share your worst jokes

    Why did the chicken cross the road? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . His family was experiencing financial troubles, and needed money. He tried applying for many jobs, but they just didn't quite work out. After ending up in the drug business to support his family, a deal went bad and he was shot, landing him in the hospital. The night his family arrived to check on him, the same shooter made his way to his room, and murdered his wife and 3 children, and somehow managed to evade police. Months after this incident, Ralph, the same chicken who was in the hospital and witnessed his family's murder, was finally released. He had nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to in the future. He took up alcohol abuse for some time, until realizing what truly had to be done. He began tracking down his family's killer, and with each day spent, he became closer and closer to discovering the dealer's whereabouts. One day, he finally figured out who it was. As he arrived at the killers' home, he took one last deep breath, then stormed in. After fighting through many of the dealers' body-gaurds, Ralph finally reached the notorious drug dealing murder, Froghorn Leghorn. As a bloody battle ensued, it was clear who the winner would be.. As Ralph staggered out of the destroyed home, bloodied, yet victorious, he realized something. All the tracking, all the killing, all the bloodshed he had created, was all in vain. He realized that taking Froghorn's life didn't, and wouldn't, bring his family back. Finding himself dumbfounded, he began to trot, head down, through the field where the bad drug deal happened, almost a year ago now. He took one last deep breath, looked at the stars, and took his first step on the road. This was it he decided, he was finally going to reunite with his family again once more. As the headlights raced towards him, he heard his family in unison whisper to him "You're finally home Ralph, you're finally home."
  13. Doopliss2008

    Computer Mishaps

    I got a HDD failure during a backup. I was in a rage for days. ( Went on a vacation, left my completely computer illiterate family with it, lost a shitton of data)
  14. Doopliss2008

    Do you wear glasses?

    I cast necromancy I roll a 14 I am getting special glasses this week, seems like nobody is able to make them from scratch, needing the professonal machines to grind the lenses. They are transitions with progressive (read: semi-trifocal) style lenses, costing roughly 700USD to make. last tested prescription was at -8.75 for both eyes.
  15. Doopliss2008


    what aint no country I ever heard of, they speak english in what?
  16. Doopliss2008

    Project Idea: A Very SPUFy Smissmass

    arlgiht, sounds good.
  17. Doopliss2008

    Project Idea: A Very SPUFy Smissmass

    I have an astoundingly deep voice, dunno if that will help. I sort of have a British accent (no idea how the hell that happened)
  18. Doopliss2008

    TF2Outpost is a lovely place

    I got the strange festive bat for 2 keys on the first day, best investment ever.
  19. Doopliss2008

    TF2Outpost is a lovely place

  20. Doopliss2008

    Project Idea: A Very SPUFy Smissmass

    the heavy princess set, nuff said.
  21. Doopliss2008


    looking at his steam status, and the time of the post, I presume his computer died completely.
  22. Doopliss2008


    I hate hospitals, and doctors, and lawyers, and police.
  23. Doopliss2008

    how do i shot computer

    Blown out capicators
  24. Doopliss2008

    Brace yourselves, halloween update confirmed!
