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Everything posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Doopliss2008

    Paper SPUF and the thousand year old thread

    CHAPTER 0, THE PROLOUGE So, you want to hear another story, huh? One where the very fate of a fictional world hangs in the balance? If not, too bad - I'm telling you anyway. An awfully long time ago in a strange and far-off land, a big, bustling town thrived. All of its residents lived very happy lives, and it is said that the town was very prosperous. But one day, a tragedy befell this place. A great cataclysm struck the town with its people. Darkness filled the skies, and the earth... wait... is my script supposed to say earth? Hmm... I think it's supposed to say "and the planet". That sounds better, anyways... Darkness filled the skies, and the planet roared and shook. It was as if the very world had come to a violent end. And in a single night, the town sank into the depths of the... planet... As the centuries passed, the town's existence passed into fable. Yet in recent years, word has spread of a thousand-year door hidden beneath the city of Rogueport. What's behind the door, no one knows for certain. Could it hold a legendary treasure? A powerful relic? (Well relic sort of means ancient, which the thing is...) Mustard of doom? There's only one way to find out... Why did you copy the story from the guide, Author? I'm lazy! ... Anyways, Huff, the resident woman, was on a vacation to Rogueport. Huff: why the hell am I here? I'm probably going to get kidnapped by all the bandits, or robbed, for that matter. A random bandit runs by and steals her (sorry bro) purse. Huff: .... ???: hey there! Huff: wha? who? me? ???: yep, can you help an old merchant out and buy something? Huff: I don't have money... ???: BUY SOMETHING OR I WILL KILL YOU. Huff: O_O ???: I don't know! You don't even know me! So I can take this off! ??? removes their disguise. Huff: You're one old crone.... Beldam: BUY SOMETHING OR I WILL KILL YOU! Huff: fine, don't be so pushy! Huff: I'll take this box. Beldam: You mean the one that only opens to the purest of hearts? Huff: ... Sure... But first, I need to get my purse... Huff finds the bandit and.... HOLY SKAGSACKS WHAT IS SHE DOING!>?! CAN A SPINE EVEN DO THAT?! MEDIC!!!! Huff: How much? Beldam: O.O JUST TAKE IT! Huff: ... I LOVE THIS TOWN NOW! Hooray for free stuff! Unlike Mann Co.! Say, do you know the backwash ruler of that terrible place? Beldam: ... Huff: Wait... Don't answer that... Huff tries to open the box, but can't. Huff: ... Than another Bandit steals the box and opens it and pulls out a map. Bandit: ... Lame... Huff approaches the Bandit and... OH MY CELESTIA! SHE is doing it again! I'm going to puke! Is that his pelvis? There goes my appetite! ... She's done! Huff: ... I know! I'll send this stupid thing to Corvette! Then the map somehow flies back into the box. Huff: ... Huff pulls out his trusty fire axe and chops the box in half, and light floods the world but does nothing. Beldam: WHAT?! THOSE LIGHTS WERE SUPPOSED TO KILL! Huff: What? Beldam: Uhh... I mean... I like pie? Huff: ... I LIKE PIE TOO! Now to send this map to you! Later... Parakarry goes to the Corvette and Buddha's mailbox. Parakarry: MAIL CALL! Parakarry flies away. Buddha goes out to the mailbox and goes back in. Buddha: CORV! MAIL! corvette: Who's it from? Buddha: (How is he smart all of a sudden... again?) It says it's from Huff! Corvette: GIMME! OR DIE! Letter: Dear Corvette, I'm currently vacationing in a town called Rogueport, which is FANTASTIC! I mean, it gives away free items! Unlike Mann Co.! Do you know the backwash ruler of that terrible place? Corv: ... Letter: ... Uh... Don't answer that. And during my free stuff getting, I sto... I mean to... I mean BOUGHT a box with something in it! It was a treasure map! Now I enclosed the map with this letter, which means you MUST come! If you don't, I WILL hunt you down and KILL YOU! Plus, I know where you live! From Huff Corv: ... A talking letter? Letter: You bet! The letter forms legs and runs away. Corv and Budd: O_O Budd: ... Well I guess you can go. Corv goes to the docks. random sailor: Hello Corv! How may I help you? Corv: A boat to Rogueport, please! random sailor: All right! END OF CHAPTER 0!
  2. Doopliss2008

    SPUF: A True Account Of Factual Events

    so that means pinky and I are your friends? Dodge Opliss HOLY SHIT I AM A CAR TOO but you should change it to Opel-lis opel is another car manufacturer
  3. Doopliss2008

    SPUF: A True Account Of Factual Events

    so can someone list the characters with our usernames? I am kind of confused.
  4. Doopliss2008

    Describe fellow SPUFers with tropes.

    alright new topic: discribe yourself with anime-ish terms yours truly: yaeba kuudere megane that's all i can think of for now.
  5. Doopliss2008

    Games that need sequels / remakes.

    yes yes all my want
  6. Doopliss2008

    Games that need sequels / remakes.

    mother/earthbound needs a remake but I hear one is coming out soon.
  7. Doopliss2008

    TF2 general

    very jelly
  8. Doopliss2008

    TF2 general

    looks like you gave up fast.
  9. dont worry about china they have no intention about going to war with the US US is the biggest trading partner, so we dont want to cut our source of money.
  10. Doopliss2008

    Conductor's Log

    so corv x doop is canon for binary? anyways > search baggage cart for more stowaways >head to guard's van
  11. Doopliss2008

    Conductor's Log

    9: ??? 10: BIRD HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Doopliss2008

    TF2 general

    just crafted a vox diabolus craft 250 meh.
  13. Doopliss2008

    Features It Would Be Nice To Have: A Poll

    oh yeah we also need more rarity emotess at the least
  14. Doopliss2008

    da spidurs invad.

    seriously every time I go into this thread, I feel my IQ drop besides shitposting in irony is still shitposting.
  15. Doopliss2008

    Features It Would Be Nice To Have: A Poll

    [spoiler2]I like using this [/spoiler2]
  16. Doopliss2008

    Features It Would Be Nice To Have: A Poll

    proably account must be at least 3 month old or have 150 rep
  17. Doopliss2008

    Features It Would Be Nice To Have: A Poll

    community lynching if there is someone we dont like, we can anonymously create a poll, then anonymously vote in it for a banning.
  18. Doopliss2008

    da spidurs invad.

  19. Doopliss2008

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    yep end of april, 28th to be precise.
  20. Doopliss2008

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  21. Doopliss2008

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    POKER NIGHT 2 IS ON STEAM NOW FOR 5 BUCKS INCLUDES POKER NIGHT 1 GET NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
  22. Doopliss2008

    TF2 general

    why is yours in spanish? and @ raz Same here, after getting warmed up for about an hour, I became one of the deadliest players of the server.