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Posts posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Got a strange one I forgot to mention


    I, in my dream,  was in a battle squadron, in a weird kancolle/third person shooter hybrid, for some reason, my teammates were all the ship girls, and to fit in, I was in a dress or a feminine uniform. for some reason, I did not have any guns/armaments as normal ship girls have, so I decided the next best option was to use my fists.


    after beating a bunch of baddies up (somehow including both CS:GO characters and abyssal ships) and KO-ing a enemy battleship using my bare hands, I either leveled up or got supplied, and became a demolition specialist ship that never existed, with a heavy demolition charge launcher, a katyusha-esque multiple rocket launcher strapped to my back, somehow also that can launch A-10 warthogs, with my primary gun being a triple tri-barrel revolving cannon that can fire a variety of shells.


    I then remembered absolutely demolishing a whole map by myself, winning, then waking up.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Moby said:





    Thats actually pretty easy, you just have to follow the music. Fast music, fast presses, slow music, slow presses. Or use Duster's hypnosis to hear the beat you have to press.

    True, but from my experience, emulators sometimes screw with the timing, so it may be screwy.

  3. Lucky you, I have to use half my money to pay off for these guys



    work toybox





























    and my growing collection at home














    yes, that is a clonetrooper on deck







  4. Had a strange one last night,


    I was with my high school classs, and we were going somewhere, I think an opera or play, but for some oddball reason, we passed through an airport, and needed to pass through the security checkpoints. The rest of my class apparently never flew before/had passports since they took forever at the lines, so the teachers got upset and then directed us to a conveniently placed post office, where one can get passport applications.


    I was getting upset since I had a passport, but they made me do the application ( which was some  online quiz/survey that has totally unrelated questions), I then finally snapped and blew up, saying I had a passport and dont have to do this  shit.


    After that, it became my usual dreams, all the "NPCs" turned hostile and dogpiled me.
