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Posts posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Don't have any recent ones, but I do remember a few where I was just going along with my regular everyday life, working/going out/etc.


    The weird part was I do something trivial, such as plugging something in or picking something up, my vision suddenly got a HUD in the style of skyrim, and a minimap like borderlands 2, with all the people around me suddenly turning hostile, saying generic encounter lines, then I had to fight for my life.


    When I died, I woke up, but when I manage to kill them all, I just went back doing what I was doing like nothing has happened.

  2. 19 hours ago, Davjo_ said:

    Can you guys define "not sleeping/having a fucked up sleep schedule"? I am certain that my 4-6 hours sleep a day aren't necessarily great either.

    Well, I got 10-11PM to 5:30-6:30 AM when I got work, and usually 11-9AM on my days off, so I can't say what "normal" is




    12 hours ago, Razputin said:

    I'm going to get a new phone soon, any recommendations?

    If you happen to drop/abuse your phones a lot, get a nokia lumia windows phone, it may not have apps or style, its freakin indestructible.
