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Posts posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Ok, just seen it






    Finn is pretty cool, good dialogue

    old han still badass.

    chewie still best girl

    stormtroopers are still good at comedy

    old school subtitles

    cool aliens

    bb-8 x R2 OTP



    Never got how/why finn got sent to combat duty when he mentioned he was a janitor at the base

    how does rey learn the force so fast?

    dafaq did poe survive, it could be more content.

    Kylo is a complete dork without his helmet.

    Oh, boy, another shadowy mastermind consisting of a hologram

    Why didn't chewie just headshot kylo when he had the chance?



    The ending was bleh, no dialogue, just lots of scenery, and luke's response was only lukewarm too

    the meeting/rally of the 1st order is just like the nazis, dunno if that is good or bad



    8/10, would see the sequals





    How the fuck does spoilers work?




  2. Hmm....


    weak spot for alcohol, and is fairly (or tries to be) sociable, despite not being charismatic, will hit on almost anyone thats humanoid, both genders. Dry sense of humor.


    Wants compassion/companionship between people, even if it means laws have to be broken.


    Despises undead, thus wants to destroy them, uses a bow to minimize contact. His falcon/hawk can eat undead meat (if it is possible in the universe).


    Thats what I am thinking of
