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Posts posted by Doopliss2008

  1. Life is too stressful now aAaAAaaaaa


    My mother has gone back to taiwan till jan 20th, I have work from 8-6 on most days, tool payments,  obamacare/healthcare to take of (which the enrollment period ends in 5 days) . and I need to take care of all the bills, food, and look after the dog.


    My dad barely speaks english and works from like 11 to 8 so he isnt home to help either.


    aaaaaaaa I need to find a way to chill for a while.

  2. I used to have a fedora, but some guy stole it.

    all for the better.


    the real thing, though:

    Got a laptop for college, went mad with freedom using it, ended up getting bad grades in most of my classes, having scholarship revoked.

    Went to community college for technical degree instead of something that could be better.
