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Posts posted by Doopliss2008

  1. My favourite class to play were the Engineer ones just because they had shotguns, detpacks, and health refilling


    as well as being able to heal and hack vehicles


    Exactly, when you run out of ammo, just resupply yourself, then blow up more shit/loot the dead.



    I still wonder how the droids can use the healthkits.


    Okay, maybe someone will explain this to me: why is Touhou and it's fandom so popular ? Is it only because of bullethell games? How do I wrap my head around Touhou? ( I now it's not actually animu, don't bash me)

    Cute girls.




    Basically that


    some of us likes the gameplay, however.

  3. I think I am starting to have a thing for the hex maniacs.


    I guess I just like girls with long dark hair, wearing witch outfits.


    (dont take it personally, bern)
