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Posts posted by Doopliss2008


    Dammit I was working on a flamethrower-wielding character.  Will I look like an ass for making one right after Firebug does?


    (will edit in character later)


    Seems to be a pretty hot idea.



    These puns are just full of hot air.

  2. If you aren't able to transfer them then yeah they're probably hacked.


    What I dont get is that the pokemon (shiny beldum)  I know is hacked in got transferred....

  3. What servers do you guys usually play on? Only server I ever frequented were the MLM ones and they're dead as fuck now so I'm completely put off playing TF2 since I don't want to just play pubs.



    Trade servers since im trying to complete ,my killstreak kit fabricators.


    heads up:


    server is griefed to hell due to plugins being inoperative


    give it a few days.


    Griefed how badly? Turned air into lava bad? Infinite Dynamite bad?



    better bring wings or fall protection, cuz everything got dynamited to shit.


    Well, I got accused of aimbotting with the flareguns(all four) before, so I guess people will even call you out on that.

    Why would anyone aimbot with the Manmelter

    Hell, why would anyone use the Manmelter



    Faster projectile speed can be useful, but I find it underpowered.
