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Batty Batterson

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Everything posted by Batty Batterson

  1. Batty Batterson

    Garfield Minus Garfield

    It's Garfield, but without Garfield.
  2. Batty Batterson


  3. Batty Batterson


    SceptileBlazikenMiloticZangooseScizorSomething cool
  4. Batty Batterson

    The (Sub) SPUF Game Nights

    Depends what time.
  5. Batty Batterson

    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng :headsplosion:That was incredibly fucking amazing. It was so good. It was gooder than you could possibly imagine.This needs to turn into a series. George Washington: Vampire Hunter, Teddy Roosevelt: Vampire Hunter, and then Barack Obama: Vampire Hunter, starring Obama himself.
  6. Batty Batterson

    Hero Academy with tf2 thangs

  7. Batty Batterson

    ITT we rage about the complete failure of the Heatmaker

    Oh boy, the heatmaker is so much fun. Decapitating headshots are amazing. I haven't had focus come in handy yet. Usually when it gets activated there aren't any more enemies around so I end up just firing my SMG all over the place and confusing the fuck out of my teammates.
  8. Batty Batterson

    Meet the pyro

    I read that as "I wish my pc was good enough to run TF2 with Chris' FPS config"
  9. GFSIJKLGRESOGRTEIO6KLNow I regret trading mine.
  10. Batty Batterson

    The (Sub) SPUF Game Nights

    Bluh. I most likely won't be there :(
  11. Batty Batterson

    ITT: we freak out about the patch notes.

    Except it doesn't. Neither do any of the other items that are supposed to.
  12. Batty Batterson

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    Ask to see Meet the Pyro... wait... EDIT: Find the guy that does the music for the meet the team videos and suck his dick shake his hand.
  13. Batty Batterson

    Time For A Texan Genocide

    Calafornia is the Manhattan of America.(I hate Manhattan)
  14. Batty Batterson

    Tribes: Acend

    "Cannot find the Hi-Rez installation"Bluh.
  15. Batty Batterson

    Post craft numbers from recent update here!

  16. Batty Batterson

    Post craft numbers from recent update here!

    That's the second ugliest item in the game, imo.
  17. Batty Batterson

    Tribes: Acend

    Classes are the easiest thing to unlock. It's weapon unlocks you have to worry about. Although a few of them are reasonably reasonable.
  18. Batty Batterson

    Tribes: Acend

    Ah, good. I might actually be tempted to buy something now that I can use my steam wallet. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...
  19. Batty Batterson

    Tribes: Acend

    So, will I be able to link the account I already have to my steam account?
  20. Batty Batterson

    Oh My God Guys, What The Fuck Is Going On.

    The origin of Tobor was the Engineer update, this is old news.
  21. Batty Batterson


    I had four. And I crafted them into piles with all the rest of my stuff.
  22. Batty Batterson

    Meet the pyro

  23. Batty Batterson

    Post craft numbers from recent update here!

    My Scorch Shot's #184. So close, yet so far away.And my Pocket Pistol's #967.
  24. Batty Batterson

    ITT: we freak out about the patch notes.

    You and your backwards viewmodels!