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Batty Batterson

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Everything posted by Batty Batterson

  1. Batty Batterson

    I have so many friends

    It is now.
  2. Batty Batterson

    New Theme: SPUF Dark

    Brilliant. I knew it was missing something. DOIT IAN!
  3. Batty Batterson

    Deal of the century!!!1!

    Right now, you can get Just Cause 2 ($14.99) and the official strategy guide ($9.99) for just $29.98!!! You save -$5.00! Don't miss this deal!
  4. Batty Batterson

    New Theme: SPUF Dark

    The difference between the gray read icon next to threads and the blue unread icon is way too subtle. It should be green and blue, like SPUF
  5. Batty Batterson

    Suggest A Forum

    That would NOT end well. Life outside the internet? What is this I don't even.
  6. Batty Batterson

    How the...

    Wait, google spiders are an actual thing? I thought [whoever originally explained it] was just pulling that out of their ass.
  7. Batty Batterson

    whose your favorite class?

    I voted for everything, what do I win?
  8. Batty Batterson

    Ballsiest tf2 thing you've ever done?

    Punched a sentry to death with the Fists of Steel pre-nerfAnd ubersawwing three heavies and two medics that were pushing a cart before getting killed by a fourth heavy.
  9. Batty Batterson

    Hnnnng Best Pyro.

    Everything about that video was amazing. The gameplay, the camerawork, the color schtuff, and the music.
  10. Batty Batterson

    Vidya Game Music

    Almost forgot this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYZ1WbAZD28
  11. Batty Batterson


    I honestly have no ♥♥♥♥ing idea, there's just so many great ones. Might be Mew, so ♥♥♥♥ing adorable.R/S/E, since Ruby was the first Pokemon game, actually the first video game of any kind that I ever owned.Never really thought about it, I guess Flannery. Raising defense a ton so everything you do does like 1 damage.No ♥♥♥♥ing clue what natures do. But yeah, spent way too much time just biking around waiting for eggs to hatch. Usually I'd just watch TV while doing it.
  12. Batty Batterson

    Vidya Game Music

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcOIQwqCl7s Also all the music in pretty much every Valve game.
  13. Batty Batterson

    Vidya Game Music

  14. Batty Batterson

    Most anticipated games of 2012

    Wasn't Borderlands 2 pushed back to early 2013?
  15. Batty Batterson

    Most anticipated games of 2012

    Half-Life 3 :crossed:
  16. Batty Batterson

    We need post ratings, like facepunch.

    I don't know things D:Umm, here's Facepunch. I doubt that helps though.
  17. Batty Batterson


    We should get a red sentry facing left so we can have epic sentry battles.
  18. Batty Batterson

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    Skip to 2:17
  19. Batty Batterson

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    I beg to differ.
  20. Batty Batterson

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    Lack of killstreaks, yes. Also lack of regenerating health, lack of iron sights, and lack of instakill melee. There's probably more but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
  21. Batty Batterson

    Any games that you hate that everybody else seems to love?

    Dead Space is not survival horror, it's a shooter that ate some marinara sauce too quickly.
  22. Batty Batterson

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    I can make you a list of reasons why CS is better than COD
  23. Batty Batterson

    Any games that you hate that everybody else seems to love?

    I've played it multiple times, and every time I play it it gets worse. Let's just agree that I'm right and move on.
  24. Batty Batterson

    Any games that you hate that everybody else seems to love?

    I haven't died once in that game. And almost every time I've played it's been offline by myself.