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Everything posted by FreshHalibut

  1. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    Boxing Gloves? Strong Bad mask when?
  2. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Beat Bayonetta 1, punched into the fucking sun. Sword with Rocket-launcher feet best combo. Onwards to Bayonetta 2! Steam damages amounted to DS2 and my friend gifted me Arkham Origins. Still haven't started DS2.
  3. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Angels can't get you when you have rocket launchers on your feet.
  4. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Bayonetta 2/1 get. Now to get strange looks from the family while I play it.
  5. 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Spuf, not a user was posting, not even Huff.

  6. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    Valve is full of surprises this year. I wonder how long they were working on that Aussie Christmas balance pass.
  7. I played for Glory and lost every match.

    1. Paero


      at least you're glorious

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      Don't ever play 1-on-1. There are some scary motherfuckers there who play this game for a living. If you see a Japanese name, FUCKING RUN.

  8. FreshHalibut


    A gift lady shows up in the Pokecenter, the same ones who give you event/pokemile stuff.
  9. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I didn't care much for the KH games. Gummi bits were good, but that's because they were StarFox. They're not bad games, they just never "hooked" me.
  10. Now I have *all* the streetpass puzzle pieces!

    1. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      I dont even have a 2ds

    2. Paero



    3. ICBMoose


      I don't have a 1DS or a 0DS

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  11. FreshHalibut

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Kinda want DS2, but I can't play DS1. Because it doesn't work at all on my pc... Can I play the sequel without the predecessor? Is the value equal or greater than 15 gabe bucks?
  12. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Ohhhh nooooo, my MGS:GZ is messed up. All the textures randomly flicker, don't exist, or are wrong. It's both amusing and horrifying.
  13. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Holy shit ground zeroes.
  14. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yay Crossovers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIYNE5_7hN0
  15. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    Clover's deck sounds like a legitimate sneak deck. A little health and dodge mixed in, but mostly a "Plan A" deck. Art heist is revealed to be a bigger building that first pictured. Pretty happy about that, kinda looked art heist scale at first glance.
  16. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I killed Lucent Narga
  17. FreshHalibut

    Payday General

    That museum looks awfully small, like on the scale of Art Heist. I was anticipating a museum on the scale of MSI or AIC.
  18. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    That shitty greenscreen feathering on the engineer though.
  19. FreshHalibut


    Really? I was just spamming them for o-power levels and watching youtube because I managed a 4x pedometer multiplier.
  20. FreshHalibut


    After getting my DS back I've since learned that Mega-Beedril is a thing. Thanks nintendo (Also I have ɑS now)
  21. FreshHalibut

    TF2 general

    I thought the Ducks were because it's the Pyro's container and his first halloween bag hat was a duck. It could've been valve interference, the pool party taunt looks out of place, but I thought it was just pyro being pyro.
  22. FreshHalibut

    Stream Streaming Thread

    As far as I can tell, you can "micspam" with WMP because it never loads the video, just the audio. So you can DJ while you work on other stuff.
  23. FreshHalibut

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    I don't remember why I have this.
  24. FreshHalibut

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Bad Rats is like a fruitcake. You just pass it around until somebody finally eats it (accepts the gift).