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Everything posted by FreshHalibut

  1. FreshHalibut

    The Grid Icon Warehouse

    People remember Fortress Forever and Smod?
  2. FreshHalibut

    Borderlands 2 launch party

  3. FreshHalibut

    Doctor Who

    Y'know except that there are shows I actively Like, dislike, and am Indifferent towards.Dr. Who Falls under Indifferent.
  4. FreshHalibut

    Doctor Who

    Dr. Who the show? I could take it or leave it.It's not amazing or anything, but it's certainly not as horrendous as some other shows.The Overzealous Fans? Throw 'em off a cliff.I don't need people running around in bowties and fezzes just being the most obnoxious people imaginable.
  5. FreshHalibut

    Torchlight 2

    I'm just bitter about not being able to Play BL2 and no one wanting to play TL2 because of release dates.
  6. FreshHalibut

    Torchlight 2

    Why preload it when you're not even going to play it?
  7. FreshHalibut

    share your worst jokes

    Two peanuts were walking down the street and one was assaulted... peanut.
  8. FreshHalibut

    Borderlands 2 Builds

    Dohoho dat slaps me on da knee.It was loads of fun Smashing Faces with Brick.And when Smashing Faces became obsolete, all I needed was my Niddhog and a Bombardier mod and Let the Rockets Rain.For any other class Rockets were stupid, but with a Bombardier Brick with 11 Rocket Clipsize 1 second reload and regenerating ammo it was a *ahem* Blast.Though I will concede that Gunzerking > Berserking when things actually do enough damage to make face fisting impossible.Such as the General Knox DLC or anywhere in playthrough 2.
  9. FreshHalibut

    Guys what do I describe my strange scattergun.

    "Stupidity is Balanced""Teamwork is UP""ONLY SKILL FROM MY SKILL GUN"
  10. FreshHalibut

    Borderlands 2 Builds

    You people and your money having.I can't afford BL2 because it costs money.
  11. FreshHalibut

    Update incoming, 6/9 (fuck your dating system)

    Demoriarty is now a thing.
  12. FreshHalibut

    Wanna be an NPC in Borderlands 2? Shop at GameStop, of course.

    It's a cash grab.Nothing new here.Being mocapped is a new thing afaik, but contests like this have been around forever.
  13. FreshHalibut

    I'm surprised

    I crafted one the around the beginning of the update.But, I haven't used it much since then, more out of circumstance than not Liking Pyroland.Many loadouts end up using both Misc Slots.I should name it something, but it doesn't lend itself to anything particularly coherent.Maybe I should just nametag it something completely idiotic and nonsensical.
  14. FreshHalibut

    SPUF VS The World

    I could go Medick with both his Waterguns.Or Welding this doah'gineer.
  15. FreshHalibut

    Update incoming, 6/9 (fuck your dating system)

    Tried to Craft new thingy,3 Refined -> Tavish Degroot Experience (Already have one)3 Refined -> Made Man (Already have purple one)TDE + MM -> Last BreathAt least I ended up on top metal wise.
  16. FreshHalibut

    Torchlight 2

    Actually, they improved firearms and added a really useful button for ranged characters.The "Shoot people but don't move unless you need to get in range to shoot someone" Button.As opposed to the "Don't move at all and try to shoot things out of range" Button.or the "Missclick and wade into group of melee baddies who will eat your face while trying to shoot them" Button.I'll probably play a ranger since I played TL1 as the Warrior.
  17. FreshHalibut

    Earphones of choice?

    I quite like these sony ones I have.Been using them a few years now and they still work great.
  18. FreshHalibut

    Tribes: Acend

    New TCN gear is underwhelimg.Mini Plasma gun isn't worth replacing the SMG or Thumper.New Rocket turret sucks outdoors, but I guess it'd be okay-but-not-as-good-as-a-light-turret indoors.Repair kits are supposed to be pretty good though, Can have four out at a time and they repair 1% a second. (not the bugged rate featured in training mode of like 25% a second)
  19. FreshHalibut

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    Finished my First Mann Up round.Seemed to be one of the easier ones(?) on coal town.Could've been a better medic, but I got the job done I suppose.I'll probably pick up some more ToD tickets over the weekend maybe but for now I'm tapped out.
  20. FreshHalibut

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    I have one Ticket and One Voucher.I'm not going to do the whole thing, but I'll go one round if you guys need a filler.
  21. FreshHalibut

    demonit best dmo

  22. FreshHalibut

    It's here

    Mann up is bloody hard.We were trying some of the advanced missions earlier on Mannworks and uberheavies kept railroading our defenses.
  23. FreshHalibut

    It's here

    Guessing from the way they filtered EVERY class line through a robo filter, I'm going to guess that they were just made so that they could use them on the bots. (since they're under the mvm giant pyro too).Also on a side note, some of these lines are downright scary through a toborfilter.(Also it's pretty frickin hilarious that they filtered the Tin Idiot Voicelines through the Tobor Filter)Also, I found (new?) Soldier Demo Domination lines.Soldier ~ "DOMINATED! I cherish these moments we spend together."They're only under the Giant Soldier's Lines though, not regular Humman soldier.Also New Demoman Soldier Domination lines.Demoman ~ "DOMINATED! but you're a good man and I love yeh."Also only appear under the Tobor Specific Voicelines for some reason. I did buy a Squad Surplus Ticket for whenever the servers unpinkhearts themself and we can all party up.