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Everything posted by FreshHalibut

  1. FreshHalibut

    SPUF Fortress

    Item and Enemy Ideas (Since everyone and their Robot kajigger wants to be a character)-Silent's Rep Cannon-Some kind of rocket launcher-Demoknight-Melee Enemy (Damage by touch)Has ability to Charge in a straight line toward the player (Think Syrian werebull or Kleer)Above average durability-Flame Shield-Provides Damage ResistanceCould be Equipped item or Time limit based powerup-Spycicle-Provides more damage resistance than the Flame Shield, but recharges after every hit (Or breaks after 3 hits or something)Could be Equipped item or durability based powerup-Fire Axe-Swings in a close range arc, similar to Link's Sword from Top down Zelda Games.-Trade Forum-Could be shopping Zone-Misplaced Trade Topic-Find and redirect these to unlock new items in the Trade Forum-New Users forum-Tutorial Zone-Cructo-Recurring miniboss that reappears under different names-Demopan-Elite Demoknight UnitSame as Demoknight, but with Stout Shako ProjectileAlternatively Shopkeeper-Spycrab-Peaceful until attackedSummons more spycrabs to help it (Think LoZ Chickens)Could conceivably spawn spycrabs from itself ala blob enemy to reduce spawn shenanigans-Spygineer-Erects Dispensers to heal itself and AlliesCould be ally/playable character or medictype enemy-Troll-Generic Melee EnemyImage Macros appear on screen when hit by them-Level 3 Minisentry-Deployable pewpew turretWould presumably be bonus item/easter egg-Necroposter-Revives old Topics to fight for itRevived topic acts as a portal that spawns ghosts or something, I don't know.-Powerups called Buffs--Debuffs called Nerfs-Hats could be collectables, or one form of currency, or the plot device.IE: Gaben has removed all hats from TF2, Fight to unite the Spuf and restore hats to their previous glory.IE2: Collect all *Number* hats to unlock no reward what so everIE3: Trade Hat A to NPC for Item B-Golden Machine Gun-Unobtainable item put in plain sight to taunt the player
  2. FreshHalibut

    Garry's Mod, how does it work?!

    Go Download Elevator Source and load up a game in Gmod.Report back with findings.
  3. FreshHalibut

    Double Fine Adventure

    I threw money at them a while ago.It was rather amusing seeing everyone drunk on the livestream today.I missed most of it though, I only caught T-Rex impersonations, the countdown, and letters.
  4. FreshHalibut

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    A Wild counterpoint appeared! DA2 is like Deus Ex 2, they don't exist.
  5. FreshHalibut

    The most terrifying thing to ever happen to you ingame.

    It was horrible!
  6. Speaking of the nonserious server, can we whitelist custom sounds?It's mostly just dinking around and I'd like my dispenser radio.
  7. FreshHalibut


    I stopped reading after it turned into conceited nonsense.Certain story arcs are good, but as a Whole Problem Sleuth was leagues better than Homesuck.inb4 someone rages at me.
  8. FreshHalibut


    Gaslamp, the makers of Dungeons of Dredmore, have offered their services to continue development of the game.Nothing conclusive though.
  9. FreshHalibut

    If This Is True...

    If you own an HDMI cable you do.
  10. FreshHalibut

    The Binding of Isaac

    I keep forgetting I have that game.Possibly because when I bought it on release it kept erasing my saves.Beat Mom once, erased my save, *rage*, continue playing, unlock Cain, erased my save, *Rage*, Unlock Magledine, erased my save, *Rage*Then the halloween update, unlocked Eve, *Game Decides to relock*, *Rage*I'll still be buying the expansion though...
  11. FreshHalibut

    Le replay of yesterdays events on the SPUF server

    I forgot to turn voicechat on, I didn't realize anyone was on the Mic.
  12. You're going to have to try harder than that.
  13. FreshHalibut


    I have three of these beta things.Anyone wants one just give a holler.Loved MNC1, but hannae played SMNC outside of dinking around in solo practice games.Wish the maps were more vertical, makes the jetpacks more useful.
  14. FreshHalibut

    Final Combat

    Why is he wearing Big Boss's Red Brick Camo?
  15. FreshHalibut

    Who wants pew pew weapons for scout/medic? VOTE NOW!

    Hoping the Medic's Needlegun replacement functions similarly to regular needleguns.Wimpy lasers subject to gravity.
  16. FreshHalibut

    I tried the Modern Warfare 3 free weekend

    I've always equated the new Call of Duty games to a modern arcade experience.Just spammy arcadey action with no semblance of structure or balance.Seriously, put some LAN linked machines in an arcade and make it like a dollar a round.Would probably make tons of money.As for me, I quite liked World at war, but it was a grenade spamming smg fest to be sure.I just liked shooting Tommy guns and BARs and Throwing Sticky Bombs on tanks.I'd probably get Red Orchestra 2 for this purpose but I've heard it's horribly buggy and broken.Otherwise I don't play any of the COD games these days, unless I'm playing local coop zombies or something.
  17. FreshHalibut

    Anyone want to hear some REALLY bad voice acting?

    You mean there's something worse than Soulstorm? That's quite an achievement.
  18. FreshHalibut

    Let's reminisce about old RPGs, shall we?

    I've always enjoyed the Classic Mario RPGs.SMRPG, Paper Mario, TTYD, Superstar Saga (never played the sequels though).Mostly because of the active battle systems and the way encounters are handled.Makes turn based combat fun and you can avoid "Random Encounters" if you so choose.I'm also reminded of Kotor, though I lost my Discs somewhere.And I guess I should throw Deus Ex in there somewhere, though I'm not sure it counts.
  19. FreshHalibut

    Vidya Game Music

    It's more likely than you think. +1 hasplayed.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwU_WueGQQM http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwHa5fT4B8E http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELGa9o0_DcQ
  20. FreshHalibut

    Who here DOESN'T have a button bound to explode/kill

    Fitting.I use P - Explode and "[" - Kill
  21. FreshHalibut

    Why do some hats/miscs make for a "Pro loadout"?

    I feel like the only damn scout who uses the Superfan.Seriously
  22. FreshHalibut

    What happened to the Mannconomy?

    Grifters grifting grifters.It's recursive.
  23. Bottle Noise becomes absolutely Ear Grating.
  24. FreshHalibut

    Who wants pew pew weapons for scout/medic? VOTE NOW!

    Oh man, More weta stuff. But whatever happened to that Saboteur laser pistol they were mocking up for the spy?
  25. FreshHalibut

    Blizzard Is Suing Valve

    Blizzard is just having a fit because they aren't the only game coming out with Dota in the name.Corporate chest pounding from the sounds of it.