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Posts posted by FreshHalibut

  1. So I picked up Resident Evil 7 and I've come to the realization that I'm still a weak baby when it comes to horror games.


    Beat up giant fire manticores in Monster Hunter, run away from an old man with a rake in Resident Evil :modsarethebestest:

  2. Part 6 has some neat macguyver moments, but is probably the worst part plotwise.

    The villain's cool, but I don't think I'd read it again.


    Steel Ball Run (Part Seven) is great though.

    It's a separate story/universe from 1-6 so it gets to mess with the formula a bunch.

  3. Finished Watching The Big O the other day.
    Batman:TAS with mecha is fun, but the ending leaves me with more questions than answers.

    Still good though, would watch again. Norman is the Alfred we always needed.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Idiot Cube said:

    I dunno, I could see kids having fun with it. Bit pricey, though.


    Specifically the "Spending 80 dollars on cardboard and rubberbands" part.

    The engineering behind it is super neat.


    But yeah, the two kits are the Variety Pack which is 70 dollars and the Robo Pack which is 80 dollars.

    Unless the papercraft is made from nintendium or something, I can't see it being durable enough to that you wouldn't have to replace it eventually.

  5. For the online I just, *ahem* aquired, lots of GTA bux to play around with all the toys.


    But it's a pretty barren experience if you're logging by yourself.

    Most of my fun online comes from screwing around with friends


    At the very least, there's a mod available to add all the MP content into singleplayer.

  6. Holy shit Firefox 57 is so bad.

    I haven't had a gag reflex this bad since the Australis rollout years ago.


    I thought to myself "Ah I should probably update my browser since it's acting a little jank" and no sooner had I seen the new UI than I'd downgraded back to my old version.

    Not only did it destroy a bunch of addons I use, but the Classic theme restorer is not only busted, but Mozilla straight up removed the APIs required to support it ( and said they won't be adding them either)


    Time to find a new browser I guess.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Wulff said:

    This is tangentially about a video game, but not really at the same time so I decided against posting it in the video games discussion. Gonna toss it in here instead. I'll warn you now it's long and doesn't have any meaningful conclusion, it's just me pouring my thoughts out.


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    As of writing this piece of text it’s been roughly ten hours since I completed the true ending of NieR: Automata and in this time I’ve been unable to pick myself back up in the proverbial sense. I feel this strange sense of hollowness that in all honesty is unfamiliar to me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before. Now before you roll your eyes at me, I want to point out that this has less to do with how NieR: Automata was put together as a game and a lot more to do with the overt philosophical questions it poses the player as you work your way through the game.

     NieR: Automata ultimately boils down to a sort of general question of existence. Why do we exist? What is our purpose? It’s a question that many people way smarter than me have tackled since the dawn of mankind and it is one that we’re unlikely to ever solve. It’s also a question that I really don’t like to think about because I don’t really have an answer for it. Why do we exist? It’s definitely something I’ve pondered myself during sleepless nights, not to paint myself as any sort of real ‘thinker’, but I think most people in the world have probably pondered this question at least once in their lives. In the past I’ve told myself and others that I firmly believe that life and existence is what you make of it. There’s no point in pondering the reason for me being here, because I don’t need some greater purpose to find meaning in my existence. I exist because I do.

    After playing NieR: Automata, I feel differently about it.

     Condemned to be free. That’s a statement I’ve been thinking about a lot since finishing up NieR: Automata. As humans we enjoy a large degree of freedom in this world because of our unmatched ability process thoughts in a unique way that stands above any sort of cognizant ability found in the animal kingdom. We exist beyond a primordial instinct ingrained into us by the DNA of our ancestors and that gives us perspective. I’m not saying that you can’t grind a human being back down to that primordial, animalistic instinct under the certain situations, or that you can’t attribute certain actions we take every day to some sort of biological preference that we aren’t even consciously aware of, but on the whole we’re not on that level anymore. We’re a step above that.

     At the same time, history shows us patterns of the human race searching for some kind of purpose. I believe the most obvious of these patterns to be manifested in our idea of religion. I don’t think I’d be too far out in saying that religion is a phenomenon that exists purely because of mankind's desire to find peace with their existence. To find peace in the knowledge that there is meaning behind it all. Religion and ‘God’ is a nice thought, but not one I personally subscribe to. I’ve tried though. I’ve tried plenty of times in my life to convince myself of the validity of religion. To truly become a believer. But I just can’t, no matter how hard I try there is a voice in the back of my head nagging at me. It says that it’s all a lie of comfort and I can’t really disagree.

     So what reason is there to exist? Millions of people will give you millions of answers and all of them are correct. I’m not here to claim that any one person’s beliefs on what makes life worth living for them are ‘incorrect’. I’m not here to claim that I’ve found some kind of enlightenment in my thoughts about us humans being ‘condemned to be free’. That’s not what this is about. This is about me feeling scared that I might never be able to find a ‘reason’ again. The more I think about it, the more hollow I feel. It’s to the point where I’m sleepless. I’m writing all this at four in the morning. I feel like I must start reading, because surely some smart people have thought their own thoughts about this and maybe they can help me find some calm.

     This ended up being a long ramble that wasn’t really about video games, but all of this did spark from me playing NieR: Automata. I don’t think the game is breaking any new ground with these kinds of thoughts, but it is the medium through which I got exposed to it. I don’t have any sort of conclusion to this long thing, I just needed to type it out.

     Hope you’re doing well.



    The final sequence will do that to ya.
