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Everything posted by Expresate

  1. Expresate

    Happy Birthday, Internet!

    GAWSH YOU'RE ALL IDIUTS. It's the birthday of the Werld Wide Webimifyer invented by CERNtastical Sciences. The Internet has been around since the 60s. /thatguy
  2. is chalk full of these conspiracy theories, they're even saying that the guy who got his legs blown off and helped pin the suspects is an ex-military soldier, who had his legs blown off years ago '> (Slightly graphic) ...They don't look anything alike. Heck, the guy from Boston has more leg than the supposedly older picture of the guy in the military. Why is the world so full of stupid?
  3. Oh, they did it day one. It's all the gubment trying to take our guns.
  4. Expresate


    You must be having bad luck, then. Heck, today I was playing a game and the enemy team started bitching at one of their own who was sniping instead of going for the points. Snipers haven't really been much of a problem.
  5. Expresate


    What servers are you playing on?
  6. Expresate


    I'm at an impasse when it comes to my guns. I've got a Beam Pyro with: Aluminum, Iron Sights, Assault, Full Auto And a Beam Health with: Dampening, Spooling, Gatling, Optical Zoom Suggestions? The Beam Health is pretty alright, and the Pyro is useful, but it could be better.
  7. Expresate


    I'm using a Pyro beam that's pretty good. I'm mostly support, though. My secondary heals.
  8. Expresate


  9. Expresate


    Nerfed, is this you?
  10. Expresate

    The Membership

    Name: Expresate Position: Expresate Known for: Expresate Links: Expresate
  11. Yeah! Like, fuck all those people who ran to the aid of the wounded, and the first responders, and the donators, and the people giving well wishes, and... Anyway, avoid Youtube videos. Please. Also, 4chan is apparently trying to troll people with a fake North Korean man who supposedly did this. Be aware.
  12. Expresate

    da spidurs invad.

    We're staying on topic and having fun. We're not shitposting. Go be a mad killjoy somewhere else.
  13. Expresate

    da spidurs invad.

    As a 40-year-old mother of two, I find this to be the single most disgusting drivel on the internet. This entire website is full of Satan worshippers, and, frankly, I don't want my children exposed to this evil. My eldest daughter is already made fun of at school for her weight, and she doesn't need to come home to this. That's why I'm politely asking that the owners of this website unplug it. I can't have this evil on the internet. For my children's sake.
  14. Expresate

    da spidurs invad.

    BRUVO. me am hondered to be am have post from Witty Nam on me thred. shar sekrits, pls.
  15. Expresate

    What's good at PAX East

    If the Valve Booth was revealing anything with 3 in the title, then we would all know about it already. Come onnnnnnn, Valve. Release something already that isn't Dota or CS.
  16. Expresate

    Custom Title Initiative

    Fiiiiiine. Just go with "subSPUF Titled This For Me." I thought this was an authoritarian state! The nerve! *stomps off in a Huff* (Huff, you are now a car) >High Admin
  17. Expresate

    Custom Title Initiative

    I don't even know what he's talking about. So we can put them in! We can circumvent Cmdr's "rules" and "regulations" with greatness!
  18. Expresate

    Custom Title Initiative

    So out of these, which should I go with? I'll let Commander choose because he's a DIRTY, DIRTY trickster who broke my heart. <Insert Title Here> Fool Whoo's this doouchebag? Steve the Title Best Joke Ever subSPUF titled this for me
  19. Expresate

    Custom Title Initiative

    I trust my fellow SubSPUFians to give me a fitting title. Suggestions, GO.
  20. Well, fuck it. If NK wants to go to war they can have it on two conditions: Nobody launches any fucking nukes, and civilians are for the most part a-okay, and NK's government gets their asses kicked out. None of the above is going to happen, though. War or not.
  21. Those comments killed my brain. I don't think NK is really this stupid. I think they're just trying to put on a show. Surely somebody in NK's government has heard of MAD.
  22. Expresate

