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Everything posted by Expresate

  1. But that would solve the population problem by removing roughly 60% of the world's citizens! ....GENIUS!
  2. At least it'll be highly trained, intelligent individuals instead of... Snooki. Oh god, Snooki in Space. I'm sorry.
  3. Expresate

    Ready Steady Pan - Season 2 - Les go?

    According to Buddha we managed to sign up and our team name is Dioses del Pan. That's Buddha's word, though.
  4. Expresate

    Ready Steady Pan - Season 2 - Les go?

    Simple, Ted, just don't forget to remember to not forget :D
  5. Expresate

    Ready Steady Pan - Season 2 - Les go?

    I second "Gods of Bread" as our team name. Think of the glorious puns! "Looks like you're about to be... toasted." "Rye some more." "Leaven so soon?" "Prepare to get rolled."
  6. Expresate

    Ready Steady Pan - Season 2 - Les go?

    I'll sign up for whatever class is available.
  7. Expresate


    Oh it will, trust me.
  8. Expresate

    SPUF is turning 10!

    -snip- How stupid can one man be. I saw him, and couldn't read. Like the poster said clear, "Ain't that a shitty idea"
  9. Expresate


    Oh boy, another year of bloodshed and suffering to look forward to. I wonder what atrocities will be committed in the name of in 2013?
  10. Expresate

    A perfectly serious and reasonable request

    I like the new banner. But if we haaaaave to change it, I say we compromise and make simple, but with a spiderman theme.
  11. Expresate

    A perfectly serious and reasonable request

    Uh, guys, you're bitching over nothing. I'm on SpufDark Original, and I see the icon just fine. This new icon is driving us insane! QUICK! DON YOUR TINFOIL!
  12. Expresate

    A perfectly serious and reasonable request

    So, now that SubSPUF is 75% sexier, how will things change? I, for one, will rarely wear my shirt while browsing.
  13. Expresate

    A perfectly serious and reasonable request

    Needs more Cubie. But no, I love it. Official SPUF mascot from now until 5ever.
  14. Expresate

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    I also concur. Dat shit is da bomb.
  15. Sounds like the opening plot for a Disney Movie. Minus the slow, painful death.
  16. Expresate

    Christmas General

    A resounding yes? Awesome!
  17. Expresate

    Christmas General

    Cool! Can Cubie come, too?
  18. Expresate

    Christmas General

    Christmas from this point on is pointless and terrible. For me, I mean. Everybody else have fun.
  19. I agree. Have you seen how fast Obama aged?
  20. Expresate

    Hey there, human friends!

    You are Verumae, and Verumae is you.
  21. Expresate

    Hey there, human friends!

    No, it's obviously Verumae. Obviously. Everybody is Verumae.
  22. Expresate

    Hey there, human friends!

    Oh god, this is going go to go places.
  23. Expresate

    Mecha Update

    So, they're just whining assholes who have no idea what they're talking about?
  24. Expresate

    Mecha Update

    Wait, what do people have against the Rescue Ranger?
  25. Expresate

    DCP's Artistic Art

    I like that you put the snail in the Adventure Time thing. This pleases me.