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Everything posted by Expresate

  1. Expresate


    Tennobaum is nice. Even though Region is flooded with beggars, there's lots of people giving.
  2. Expresate

    Net Neutrality guff

    Their youtube description... their website... Did /pol/ make a media company?
  3. Expresate


    I just did the first mission for A Man of Few Words. I was expecting so much more based on Region chat.
  4. Expresate

    Net Neutrality guff

  5. Motion to classify the Discord as an enemy of the state

  6. Expresate

    Net Neutrality guff

    I mean, the same goes for government. I'm a "member" of the EFF and even though support is currently for the Title II classification to remain, just a few years ago they were bringing the FCC to court over their previous attempt at the "Open Internet Order," claiming it was too overreaching. I support net neutrality, and also the Title II classification, but people have a legitimate argument when they express fear of potential regulatory misuse. Maybe it's an argument that's mostly relevant in the US.
  7. Expresate

    Net Neutrality guff

    You can say that again
  8. Expresate

    Net Neutrality guff

    Please expand on this. Do you mean Title II or do you mean the concept of net neutrality? Would you prefer organizations pick and choose what content you see on the web and how fast you can access it? A lot of people seem to think that the regulation IS net neutrality, and because a regulation is bad, net neutrality is bad.
  9. Expresate

    A Volt Helmet

    As someone who now plays with Volt, I like.
  10. Expresate

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    What would you consider a good bit? 800?
  11. Expresate

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    I got it to work and got around to about 15k. Then they vote kicked me for idling :/
  12. Expresate

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Does this still work? I tried it for kicks n giggles, but notta.
  13. Expresate

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    so many pyros. And I'm one of them. Hmmpph.
  14. Expresate


    Have you stabbed anybody over Teriyaki sauce in the past year?
  15. My local amateur radio club added me to their mailing list. Now, I don't see the need for passwords on mailing lists, generally. It seems in this case it hides who else is on the list. That's all well and good. But consider the following: 1. The server generates a password for you 2. It emails your password to you in plain text 3. The email is unencrypted 4. It continues to do so every month S E C U R I T Y
  16. Expresate

    long time no post

    If he hasn't stabbed anybody over limited edition corporate promotions, then he's not welcome here.
  17. Expresate

    "Good game"

    But everyone knew it. It was glorious.
  18. Expresate

    "Good game"

    I'll just sit here and quietly mourn the death of ggnore
  19. Expresate

    CCleaner Compromise

    Hiya folks. I didn't see a topic on this, so I thought I would start one. Many of you may already know. I'm also a little late to the party (news was broken on Monday by Cisco Talos). If you downloaded version 5.33 of CCleaner recently, you also downloaded a multi-stage payload on top of it. It looks like it was a watering hole attack, so it's unlikely the payload will DO anything to you (they were supposedly targeting big tech giants, including Cisco themselves), but you still don't want a mysterious malware backdoor on your PC. Cisco recommends you not only uninstall CCleaner, but also re-image your machine (or just restore to a date prior to August 15th). If you really want to keep CCleaner, then update to 5.35 immediately. Thank god I didn't install that update (still on 5.23). More info: http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2017/09/avast-distributes-malware.html http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2017/09/ccleaner-c2-concern.html http://www.techrepublic.com/article/ccleaner-hackers-attacked-microsoft-intel-cisco-and-other-tech-giants/ https://www.pcworld.com/article/3225407/security/ccleaner-downloads-infected-malware.html
  20. Expresate

    CCleaner Compromise

    Yep. My trust in Piriform/Avast is shaken, though. " During the installation of CCleaner 5.33, the 32-bit CCleaner binary that was included also contained a malicious payload that featured a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) as well as hardcoded Command and Control (C2) functionality" -Talos I think the regular installer comes with a 32 bit binary as well. There's nothing in Talos' rundown that suggests only 32bit systems were at risk. That would be pretty silly for malware designed to target tech giants.
  21. I actually think our mods handle the war room pretty well, all things considered. (except for the BS infraction that Brain got.) Not even being sarcastic. The Binocracy is the only way that matters, though. To be honest, it sounds like they're just trying to avoid the shitstorm that is the rest of the internet, but are failing hilariously.