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Idiot Cube

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Everything posted by Idiot Cube

  1. Idiot Cube

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Post pictures of the three of you together! Your cartoonist demands it!
  2. Idiot Cube

    Paper SPUF and the thousand year old thread

    Story boss. I was not nearly MAN ENOUGH to take on the Pit.
  3. Idiot Cube

    Paper SPUF and the thousand year old thread

    I played TTYD when I was like 12, but couldn't beat the final boss. And then I rage-sold it because I was kind of a dumb kid. I've been meaning to pick it up again ever since.
  4. >cd W:/progam filess/steanm/steanmapppps/benjaminfranklin/teame fortrass 3 >run hltwoo
  5. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    The sad thing is, no matter how bad EA fucks up their image, they'll keep doing what they're doing as long as they're making lodsofemone. And they'll keep making lodsofemone as long as people keep buying the games and shelling out for microtransactions. What we need is a revolution. People need to realize that they don't need to put up with day-one DLC and DRM bullshit. It can't be that hard to convince them, right? I mean, if these people believe there's nothing wrong with continuing to pay for a single-player game they already bought, they should believe anything we tell them!
  6. Idiot Cube

    Game Grumps

  7. >no you dumb HOMO TOOL >your CYAING WRONG
  8. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    The sound of jingling microtransaction dosh is louder than the protests of outraged gamers, apparently.
  9. Idiot Cube

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Now, gaming in a bikini... []
  10. Idiot Cube

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    My bro and I are finally getting a Wii U when I go home for spring break. His break is the week after mine, so I'll have it to myself for the whole week! I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit and play all these games! And my house has NO STAIRS!!!
  11. Idiot Cube

    Paper SPUF and the thousand year old thread

    Lemme be a partner! I'm very good at saying things that are only tangentially related to the current situation!
  12. >Go home and be a family drive.
  13. >Consult shipping wall to gain jimmie-rustling-based buffs.
  14. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    Yeah, I was pretty conservative with dancing. Basically I only danced at the beginning and end of each level. I feel sorry for anyone who tried to skip checkpoints in the later levels. Even though Runner 2 is less frustrating than Runner 1, there's still plenty of opportunities to fuck up and watch your life spiral into endless pain and despair.
  15. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    Oh. Well, I guess I just suck then. Or you were braver with skipping checkpoints than I was.
  16. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    Well...I wasn't really trying that hard to get high scores. So good job beating an apathetic tortoise in a footrace.
  17. Idiot Cube

    The Legend of the Binocracy

    >2914: Retrieve sand from chest >Build a statue of liberty with sand
  18. Idiot Cube

    What'cha been playing?

    Captainvideo best character.
  19. Idiot Cube

    This is an introduction

    So it's subSPUF...but...with more ponies? I think I need to lie down for a while.
  20. Idiot Cube

    This is an introduction

    After taking a quick look at MLM, there's still one question that burns in my skull: Dafuq is MLM?
  21. Idiot Cube

    This is an introduction

    Dafuq is MLM? I would venture to guess that it involves ponies?
  22. Idiot Cube

    Dota General

    Long-distance kill - Sniper says "Now that's some fine shooting, mate!" Tower under attack- Engie says "Someome's sappin' yer (top/mid/bottom) sentry!" Someone says "gg" in chat while their team is losing - Scout says "Whaddaya mean, 'good game'? Dere ain't nothin' good about LOSIN'!" Invisibility - Spy says "Oooh, I admire your strategy!" Pick a fire-based hero - Pyro giggles
  23. Idiot Cube

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    [*o*] yessssss
  24. Idiot Cube

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.
