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Idiot Cube

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Everything posted by Idiot Cube

  1. I no longer fear the cold embrace of death. Thanks, Veez!
  2. Just strive to loaf twice as hard the other four days of the week.
  3. Idiot Cube

    The Thread that Makes you go Hmmm

    In Back to the Future 2, Biff steals the DeLorean, goes back to 1955 to give his past self the almanac, then comes back to 2015, and leaves the DeLorean for Doc and Marty to find. But when Doc and Marty later go back to 1985, they somehow switch to the new timeline Biff created. Shouldn't Biff's changes to the past have caused him to return to a Biff-ified 2015, leaving Doc and Marty stranded in the original timeline with no time machine?
  4. Idiot Cube

    Barely Useful Superpowers

    That kind of raw potential can only be granted by most powerful artifact in the universe: The Adequacy Gauntlet.
  5. Idiot Cube

    Barely Useful Superpowers

    See, this is why you're Batman! You just happen to have a tool on your person that makes you just as viable as any of the metahumans!
  6. Idiot Cube

    Barely Useful Superpowers

    Wanna be the Batman of the Barely Useful Superpowers Cinematic Universe?
  7. Idiot Cube

    Barely Useful Superpowers

    That's what makes it the best one yet.
  8. Idiot Cube


    That just sounds like a typical California summer.
  9. You get better feng shui if you put them all over the place. Or should I say dong shui?
  10. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'd rather have a Vive coupon.
  11. Idiot Cube

    ITT Post Virtual Youtubers

    I'm Cube! From TV!
  12. "Ok, now THIS is gonna be the thing that finally gets him impeached!" -Me for the 50th time
  13. mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble fuggin mumble
  14. Imagine Yamcha becoming the coach of a junior high baseball team, and teaching those rowdy kids to look out for one another and win the championship!
  15. Idiot Cube

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    An old classic.
  16. Idiot Cube

    Welcome to our new Administrators!

    I unbanned everyone twice today, and they just immediately unbanned themselves. I gave myself 10 trillion rep, and it quickly went down to negative 2 googolplex. I think we've learned an important lesson today: When everyone's admin, nobody is.
  17. Just drink pure sugar mixed with water. It's what keeps the hummingbirds flying.
  18. 1999 Chevy Cavalier. No big problems, except every time we do a smog check, it always somehow has the wrong type of muffler. It's a nice lil' car. 'Eyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  19. Ooh, I bet it's got a passenger-side air bag!
  20. I would have also accepted an oil spill.