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Idiot Cube

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Everything posted by Idiot Cube

  1. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    So it's all downhill from here? That's depressing.
  2. Idiot Cube

    Anime General Discussion

    Jojo spoilers: Fuck this stupid show. I love it so much.
  3. Idiot Cube

    Official happy new year 2018 thread

    How's your year been so far, SubSPUF? I moved back into my college apartment and immediately had to help unclog the toilet!
  4. Idiot Cube

    Official happy new year 2018 thread

    Please help, I'm stuck in this terrible year for another 2.5 hours.
  5. Idiot Cube

    Official happy new year 2018 thread

    For me the future doesn't really kick in until the 2050's.
  6. Once your post is made, any names recognized in the text get replaced with "Hitler".
  7. I got Skyrim for the Switch, and in honor of Boxing Day I started a character who uses nothing but unarmed attacks!
  8. Idiot Cube

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm disappointed that the "Cube gets back Into animating" subplot didn't go anywhere. Hope we'll get some payoff next season.
  9. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Neither. Christmas sweatpants.
  10. Which means you're no worse off than the 99.9% of the population that died in the initial event. So don't sweat it!
  11. Idiot Cube

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    wow what kind of tool acts like that heh nerd.
  12. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Great, that's ANOTHER three switch games I have to buy. I hope you're happy.
  13. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I choose to believe that both of these are true.
  14. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yeah yeah, but whatever happened to Gigolo?!
  15. Idiot Cube

    Net Neutrality guff

  16. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Look out, it's Thanos the California Raisin!
  17. Idiot Cube


    Maybe we can just choose our own classes. I'll be a Knight of Hope, which makes me a paladin I guess.
  18. Idiot Cube

    Net Neutrality guff

    Yeah, gigantic profit-hungry corporations rule the world. Big whoop. The difference is, if the gigantic, profit-hungry ISPs aren't beholden to Net Neutrality rules, they can completely control what you see, hear, and do on the net. They could, for example, bar access to news and social media sites that promote views they don't like. Netflix and Amazon don't have that kind of power over anything outside their own sites and services. (You could argue Google has way too much power over what you see, but at least they can't prevent you from visiting any particular sites)
  19. Idiot Cube

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    The first letter of my real name is M. Does that count?
  20. Idiot Cube


    Man, I wanted time powers.
  21. Idiot Cube

    Net Neutrality guff

    I'm tired of hearing about it, but I also don't want people to stop talking about it. I feel pretty helpless. My representative is already on board with keeping net neutrality, and I don't have any social media presence I can use to spread the word.
  22. Idiot Cube

    TF2 general

    For me it was the Meet the Team videos. Especially Meet the Spy, which made spying seem like the coolest thing ever. Naturally, I would go on to spend my first few hours playing Spy exclusively, only to find that it was both less fun and less effective than it looked in the video. But by then I was hooked on the game itself.
  23. Idiot Cube

    TF2 general

    I helped a heavy get the "heal teammates with the second banana" contract by repeatedly damaging myself in spawn, while he squatted by the supply locker and threw bananas at me.