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Idiot Cube

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Everything posted by Idiot Cube

  1. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Jeez, I've been totally missing out on a lot of Splatfests. Probably because I haven't played in over a month! I deserve to be drowned in mayo by an invisible werewolf. While something involving both Sci-Fi and Fantasy happens nearby, because I like both and don't want to choose one.
  2. Idiot Cube

    Anime General Discussion

    But I was led to believe that stands were the entire point of the show! A lot of stand users, in my eyes, makes just as much sense as a lot of guys who can fly and shoot energy beams in DBZ. It's a framing device for all the fantastic, bombastic, blatantly superhuman battles that are going to happen, so I gladly suspend my disbelief.
  3. Idiot Cube

    Anime General Discussion

    I started watching JoJo last week. Watching vampires get exploded by the human spirit is neat, but I'm wondering when stands are going to start being a thing.
  4. This is why IT guys always tell you to try restarting. Sometimes computers gets stressed out and just need to take a quick little nap.
  5. Idiot Cube


    His hair really was amazing!
  6. So basically it functions like any recent Nintendo game?
  7. My car gets hot enough on its own, thank you.
  8. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    "I shall take the legendary Quintimalas Blade into the catacombs of Tuf'na'miir, and slay the necromancer who has been terrorizing the surface world for eons!" "And I'll bring donuts!"
  9. Idiot Cube

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    NOOOOOOOOOOO- uh, I mean, about time.
  10. Idiot Cube

    long time no post

    Welcome back. Nobody cares about ponies anymore
  11. Actually, this time of year is the only period where I can be killed. Vampire weaknesses, y'know? On November 1st, the curse is lifted and I go back to being immortal! I guess I just wanted to see some blood shed on a livestream. Sweet, delicious blood... And Kay, you should be more careful. Where I come from, showing that scene is a good way to get your corners cut off.
  12. It's a shame because I'd love this to be a blood sport where anyone can be killed at any moment, even the spectators. But I guess SOME PEOPLE think that wouldn't be acceptable for anything in the current millenium. Buncha pansies.
  13. Idiot Cube


    Upvoting is the real one, it adds to your reputation count. Also, hi.
  14. Idiot Cube

    TF2 general

    In my opinion, nothing tops A hat paired with raspberry schnopps!
  15. Idiot Cube

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    At least Saxton Hale got to be in a video at last.
  16. Idiot Cube

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations, vol. 2

    With the unholy magic of a Friday the 13th birthday in October, Vampire Cube is reborn! (spooky music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU-WZf81cg8)
  17. Idiot Cube

    Doodles on my mediocre drawing tablet

    Perspective drawing?! I can't compete with this. I quit forever.
  18. Idiot Cube

    Happy 10th Birthday, Team Fortress 2

    A step backwards is still movement.
  19. Idiot Cube

    Happy 10th Birthday, Team Fortress 2

    That's called a Big Bang model. Although in Valve's case, it's more like a Big Chill.
  20. Idiot Cube

    TF2 general

    You keep using that word, "soon". I do not think it means what you think it means.
  21. Idiot Cube

    I am modelling a Desert Eagle in 3D Studio Max 2017

    More importantly, Deagle has a more fun name. Deagle deagle deagle.
  22. Idiot Cube

    "Good game"

    Telling me I shouldn't be angry only makes me angrier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Idiot Cube

    "Good game"

    I don't say anything. I just seethe quietly. I also find it funny how, most of the time, all of the "gg"s are coming from the winning team/player. Gosh, how sportsmanlike of you to congratulate yourselves. *seeeeeeeethe*
  24. Idiot Cube

    TIAM: General Gaming edition
