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Idiot Cube

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Everything posted by Idiot Cube

  1. Idiot Cube

    Choose my next Steam avatar

    Oh, I have to pick one of your dumb choices? Fine.Potato. That's a funny way of spelling "potato".
  2. Idiot Cube

    Choose my next Steam avatar

    A batty eating battersons.
  3. Idiot Cube


    I hear ya, brah.
  4. Idiot Cube


    It's awesome. Go get it.
  5. Idiot Cube


    No, but it is from before terms like "480i" existed. We got it in the mid '90s, and never got a new one because this one still works just fine. :rolleyes:But yeah, I can see why your tv would ruin the artistic part of Journey. That static and stuff would definitely limit your enjoyment of the game.
  6. Idiot Cube

    Best website in existence.

    I have achieved ultimate handsomeness. This is now my new avatar.
  7. Idiot Cube


    My TV is 200 times as shitty as yours, and the game still looks pretty good.
  8. Idiot Cube


    A lesser man would tell you it was worth getting a PS3 just to play this game, but I won't resort to such exaggeration.EDIT: Just saw this on the game's homepage: Sorry guys. As long as Sony has Thatgamecompany by the balls, Journey will be a PS3-exclusive. :(
  9. Idiot Cube

    What have you given away?

    Nothing. Bah humbug.
  10. Idiot Cube

    Any games that you hate that everybody else seems to love?

    Skyrim.I wouldn't say I "hate" it, per se, but I played through a good portion of it and never figured out what all the fuss was about.
  11. Idiot Cube

    Do you leave messages when you rep people?

    It's right at the top of the Settings page.
  12. Idiot Cube

    The First Ever SubSPUF Raffle EVER!!! (Win An Unusual)

    A few hats? You are quite the comedian, sir.
  13. Idiot Cube

    Super SPUF Fighter

    You know how every fighting game has at least one character that makes you wonder what the devs were smoking when they created him? That would be me. Meet the Idiot Cube! Appearance: Floating gray cube with a poorly drawn face. And robot arms. Because robots are cool. Hat: Ye Olde Baker Boy. (Paint color: Zepheniah's Greed.) Weapon: Cloak and Dagger, allowing me to lurk in the forums, contributing absolutely nothing, until the opportunity arises to use my final smash. Final REP Smash: The Punninator! Absorbs all the other posts in a thread and turns them into witty puns, giving me massive amounts of undeserved REP! Can only be used once per thread.
  14. Idiot Cube

    Mods are OP

    Make their melee weapons swing 20% slower.Balanced. 11/15
  15. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
  16. Idiot Cube

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    This thread is a spy.
  17. Idiot Cube


    I can hit the top of the flagpole in every level.I can die in peace now.
  18. Idiot Cube

    Teddster's making a story.

    Perhaps that's to see if the story is still enjoyable if you're not familiar with TF2. But the fact that he has to explain what an Enforcer and an Axtinguisher are doesn't help. Anyway. Looks like the start of a neat story.
  19. Idiot Cube

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    Pretty much this.I'd like to add that a "warning", in my opinion, means letting them know we're not really "playing the game", except in certain events, and if they don't like that they can go somewhere else. Just saying "DON'T KILL DON'T KILL DON'T KILL" doesn't seem to convince them.
  20. Idiot Cube

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Hah! Why would I make an Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference when I could just as easily make a Portal reference?
  21. Idiot Cube

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    I joined Steam shortly after Portal jokes had gone completely out of style, again. Nobody sent me that memo, so I naturally decided to go with a Portal joke. Oh, but I wasn't going to be yet another "THECAKEISALIE!!1!111". No, I had bigger plans. I named myself..."Weighted Idiot Cube!" LOLOLOL GET IT CUZ IT'S LIKE WIEGTED COMPANIN CUBE BUT IT'S DIFFERENT LOL SO RANDOM On the forums I shortened it to "Idiot Cube", because character limit. And recently, I changed it to "Idiot Cube" on Steam too, so it's less idiotic-sounding.
  22. Haha, right. And I was once on a team that had less than four spies!Seriously though, you're obviously lying. Stop making shit up.
  23. Idiot Cube

    Your first vidya gaem?

    *holds 'h' key*Oh, and have some rep for knowing the actual name.
  24. Idiot Cube

    Your first vidya gaem?

    A re-release of Super Mario Bros. for the Gameboy Color.I couldn't even make it past the first castle.
  25. Idiot Cube

    A Touching Story

    This masterpiece deserves a Pulitzer. No, wait...it deserves a Saxxy! NO! It deserves...an Unusual Vintage Genuine Valve Hale's Own Pulitzer, duct-taped to a moon-sized Saxxy! Unusual effect: All of them! And also, here's one rep. Don't spend it all in one place.