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Everything posted by Cryder

  1. Cryder

    Dota General

    Of course most people think their K/D is the only thing that matters, silly pudge doesn't need gold, because CM is a carry.
  2. Cryder

    Dota General

    Having more assists than kills as a support is the same as having more kills than assists on a ganker.
  3. Cryder

    Dota General

    I always let the carry steal my kills if he can easily slap the target before he gets away.
  4. Why do people buy CoD games for 100$ + 200$ worth of dlc yearly? 60$ isn't too bad tho.
  5. Cryder

    subSPUF Gaming Nights Season 2

    What about.. What about.. Worms Reloaded Chivalry War of the Roses Terraria AC:R multiplayer PVK2 Titan Quest Dawn of War (1)
  6. Cryder

    The first time I've wanted promos in a while.

    You get like 7 things, just sell them for an outrageous price.
  7. Cryder

    Dota General

    So basically absolute trash. Why not just buy their equivalent of salves and clarities.
  8. Cryder

    Dota General

    If he has 3 exort he needs a minimum of 3.
  9. Cryder

    Dota General

    Will my egg be deleted if I don't hatch it? I'd rather keep him as an egg, and let him age like cheese, instead of dumping in my backpack to do nothing of value (I already got a courier)
  10. Cryder

    Dota General

    Rearm + Zeus ulti go!
  11. Cryder

    Dota General

    Sange & Yasha is rarely good. Better off getting an eagle stone and a quarter staff for the same price (actually less!) Its good on a few heroes tho, like Razor.
  12. Cryder

    Dota General

    Well obviously Skadi is good if you already have a few items and the pockets to afford it, but it's generally bad because its pricey as heck. Its the same as Battlefury for Kunkka, bad as first good item, but good as an after-item. Also I haven't played Morphling in a while, so not sure about Eblade other than it at least used to be good.
  13. Cryder

    Dota General

    He has 7% hp regen per second when not visible to enemies. "OMFG SO OP" says EVERYONE Except his HP pool is COMPLETE shit, so he basically just has an after-fight heal, he sacrifices a lot of HP to deal his only quick damage attack. His 5.5 seconds of invisibility are kind of useful though.
  14. Cryder

    Dota General

    Pubstomp? You mean Meepo all over again. Slark is a hero that requires skill to not be awful.
  15. Cryder

    Dota General

  16. Cryder

    Dota General

    Needs more useful items. You were probably just playing against really bad people. (REALLY BAD) Rule of thumb: Always upgrade your boots. Skadi is the most expensive item in the game aside from Dagon 5, and generally is BAD, do not get Skadi. Against heroes with single target stuns, get Linkens as first item on Morphling. Get Ethereal Blade asap. Manta isn't too bad, but you generally get it after you've gotten some agi items. (Illusions only get pure stats, not +damage)
  17. Cryder

    Who is your favourite hero?

    He has a high-damage spell that also lifesteals. He has a disable that lasts FOREVER, but if anyone attacks the disabled target they get the same debuff for full duration. He has an ultimate that lasts for long and completely disables you. He has a spell that makes your damage A LOT weaker (120 less autoattack damage at rank 4) Not too shabby.
  18. Cryder


    HOW TO BE THE ULTIMATE FARMER OF RICE: If the enemy has no heroes that can ♥♥♥♥ you up real bad without giving a ♥♥♥♥ (Spirit Breaker, Drow Ranger, Anti Mage, Axe) PICK FURION. If the enemy has heroes that can ♥♥♥♥ you up real bad without giving a ♥♥♥♥ BUT YOU ARE ♥♥♥♥ING PRO, PICK FURION. (otherwise play a POOR and WEAK farmer like ANTI MAGE (that coward) Start by saying you are going to jungle Buy a Ring of Basilius Buy 2 clarities EXTREME BUILD IF YOU RANDOMED: Buy a Ring of Basilius Buy 3 clarities YOU EITHER GET A 7 MIN MIDAS OR DROP IT IN SHAME If you know how to use Furions ulti for ULTIMATE GOLD AND KILLSTEAL POWER, get a scepter directly after midas (AFTER TREADS OBVIOUSLY, PUT THOSE TREADS ON INTELLIGENCE FOR MAXIMUM FARMAGE, STRENGTH IF YOU NEED TO NOT DIE) (IF YOU ARE SUCH A POOR RICER THAT YOU MISSED MIDAS YOU DON'T GET SCEPTER) Get Desolator as FAST AS ♥♥♥♥ING POSSIBLE If you are steamrolling and can buy a Scythe of Vyse straight away, BUY A DESOLATOR ANYWAYS. Get Scythe of Vyse directly after DESOLATOR After Scythe you get a CRYSTALIS and then TURN IT INTO A DAEDALUS. DO NOT BUY A RAPIER EVEN IF YOU ARE THE RICIEST RICER OF ALL TIME. SKILL BUILD TIME: Trees Teleport Trees Sprout -> ATTACK LANE AND MURDER THOSE SONS OF BITCHES IF ANYONE DARES GIVE YOU AN OPPORTUNITY, OTHERWISE KEEP FARMING Trees ULTIMATE (You should have Midas around now) Trees -> YOU ARE LEVEL 7 AND HAVE THE HAND OF MIDAS (IF YOU DO NOT YOU ARE A SCRUB AT FARMING, OR YOU LEVELLED TOO FAST SOMEHOW), GO GANK LANE AND GIVE THE SINGLE PERSON FIRST BLOOD ALREADY, THEN PUSH THAT FREAKING TOWER DOWN, THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE 10 MIN MARK, MAKE SURE TO GET THE TOWER LAST HIT AS YOU'LL NEED IT! Teleport Sprout Teleport Sprout AND CONTINUE LIKE THAT, GET ULTIMATE WHEN POSSIBLE. To successfully wreck towers and be THE ULTIMATE RICER you must use your Hand of Midas EVERY TIME its off CD (If you are in lane, use it on a random creep, if you are in forest, use it on the BIGGEST MOTHER♥♥♥♥ER YOU CAN FIND AND REAP IN THAT XP) After you have successfully wrecked your first tower and helped the solo laner dominate, you teleport to top lane (PLOT TWIST, YOU WERE THERE ALL ALONG! TELEPORT BOT LANE), push it some more, and make sure to use Midas whenever you can (preferably in forest to REAP THE XP) Push mid if a moment arises, if mid is gone fishin' (GANKING) you ♥♥♥♥ING DESTROY THAT TOWER THAT THEY LET JUST STAY THERE UNGUARDED. You should have all their first tier towers down BY FIFTEEN MINUTES MAX, IF YOU FAILED YOU ARE A POOR RICER. You should have some items now, like a Desolator. Your team will now need you to teamfight and help them, DO NOT directly join teamfights if you are at a disadvantage in any way, dying is bad. Pick off single targets, help in smaller fights, and be a general annoyance to the enemy team. If a 4v5 happens, teleport to the most pushed lane and DESTROY THAT TOWER. When pushing at level 7 - 12 make sure to not dwell too long, as your teleport cooldown will not be short enough to teleport you straight out, be careful. Furion is a BAD ASS, YOU DON'T NEED NO SISSY ALLIES AROUND TO HELP YOU, YOU PUSH THAT LANE, AND YOU'LL WATCH THEM ENJOY YOU MURDERING THAT TOWER. If the slightest sight of danger occurs, TELEPORT AWAY INSTANTLY LIKE THE BAD ASS YOU ARE, YOU ARE ♥♥♥♥ING HOUDINI. You must teleport back and forth between lanes, never let them catch you. AFTER YOU HAVE ACQUIRED THE DESOLATOR, QUICKLY TELL YOUR TEAM "I will now SOLO ROSHAN AND MURDER HIM WITH MY BARE HANDS, do NOT interfere, or the enemies might MURDER YOU ALL WHILE I TELEPORT AWAY (And it might be warded)" AND THEN TELEPORT INTO THE PIT, USE SPROUT, AND INSTANTLY MAKE TREES BEFORE ANYONE NOTICES. KILL ROSHAN, TAKE THE AEGIS, TELEPORT. (xp and gold, aegis not very important to you) Whenever the enemy is pushing your tower, INITIATE A RACE AND INSTANTLY PUSH ANOTHER TOWER, FURION IS BETTER AT DESTROYING THAN DEFENDING, SO SHOW THOSE MOTHER♥♥♥♥ERS WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF. If they initiate a baserace (you are at their rax alone, they are at your rax towers 5 on buildings) YOU ACCEPT, AS NOBODY WILL EVER BEAT YOU, YOU DESTROY THEIR SHIT IN AN INSTANT, IF MORE THAN ONE LANE IS PUSHED TO RAX YOU CAN USE TREES TO TANK THE OTHER LANE TOWERS TOO AND DESTROY MORE THAN ONE RAX IN A GO! DO NOT SURRENDER, NEVER GIVE UP A BASE RACE, AND ACCEPT ALL THOSE BASE RACES. A silly team will challenge you to baserace, you will accept, 30 seconds later they lost 6 barrackses meanwhile your base only lost 2. THIS IS WHY YOU BASERACE. IF A BASERACE IS WIN OR LOSS SCENARIO, GO STRAIGHT FOR THE ANCIENT, DESTROY THE TINY BUILDINGS SO THE CREEPS CAN GET THROUGH AND ATTACK THE ANCIENT TOWERS. If you are the only force able to win, and you are at their ancient, and if you die you lose, and you have no hp, YOU USE SPROUT ON YOURSELF, AND PRAY THEY ARE A MELEE CARRY, IF RANGED USE THAT ♥♥♥♥ING SHEEP STICK OF YOURS AND DESTROY THAT ANCIENT! (teleporting is for the weak) ALTERNATIVE BUILDS: GET SCYTHE OF VYSE AS FIRST ITEM (You are terrible at using your ultimate and your team needs a disable that badly (treads first you goose)) GET ORCHID INSTEAD OF SCYTHE (You are up against magic users, and your team has enough disables, but not enough to get by the magic) GET DESOLATOR, THEN CRYSTALIS, THEN MONKEY KING BAR, THEN DAEDALUS (If you are rolling in money, getting 5 kills per second and generally being rich, make sure to get a rapier after that and then 2hit their ancient after you've made sure the roads clear) GET MEKANSM, EULS AND PIPE AFTER TREADS (Your team is bad and you are the only "support", if going this route you buy courier and flying courier asap, and you get those 3 items in that order after treads (Or arcane boots if your team needs mana), this is the SHARING IS CARING and I AM NOT A SELFISH BASTARD build) GET DAEDALUS AFTER DESOLATOR (You don't need no disables and MKB is silly) IF YOU HAVE BAD SUPPORTS OR NO SUPPORTS, BUY COURIER AND FLYING COURIER IF YOU HAVE BAD SUPPORTS OR NOT SUPPORTS, BUY WARDS DISCLAIMER: FURION IS A SQUISHY HERO, AND WILL DIE IN AN INSTANT IF YOU DO NOT PAY ATTENTION, DO NOT PLAY FURION IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD AT KNOWING WHATS GOING ON, MAP AWARENESS, SCREEN AWARENESS, AND HOW TO SCOUT RUNES EVERY 2ND MINUTE FOR FREE. DISCLAIMER: FURION IS NOW KNOWN AS NATURES PROPHET, HAPPY HUNTING!
  19. Cryder

    Who is your favourite hero?

    Oh that would have to be Techies and Tresdin. (Nobody said it had to be Dota 2 eh?) My favorite added hero is Furion and Omniknight tho.
  20. Discuss all Warhammer related games here.From the board game, to the RTS game, to the TPS game.
  21. Cryder

    Steam Greenlight.

    Time to get Unepic on steam I guess.
  22. Cryder

    It's here

    At least they still have to charge their shots, and can't headshot.Or do huntsmanbots do that?I'd love to try survival mode, but I'm never on when you guys do that :(
  23. Cryder

    It's here

    The canteen seriously had craft numbers?I spent like 30 minutes with my hats then noticed I can make a canteen.