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Everything posted by Binary

  1. Binary

    Favorite game Mosaic

    I approve of all of these.
  2. Actually, it has a fairly reverse effect. You know you're going to do horribly, so why stress how badly you do? If not dota, maybe... Gmod? Minecraft? rage-less games are hard to come by...
  3. Binary

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    Oh yes. This will do nicely...
  4. Binary

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    :headsplosion: brb, trying to figure out how to make that last one my avatar.
  5. Binary

    how do i shot computer

    Just make sure it's 20+4 pin, and it's got enough wattage. Looks like that's 800, so go with that.
  6. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Shhhhhhhhhhhh, don't help them!
  7. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Oooooh, so that's why you keep dieing...
  8. Binary

    Planetside 2

    TR: Find a squad. Even just a group of people in a galaxy. There's strength in numbers. Also, it's similar to TF2 know that everything has a counter. If you're pinned down by tanks, stop spawning there and find some vehicles. And sometimes, you're just outnumbered- Retreat. Others: Join TR, see above.
  9. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Thus are the joys of working with a publisher. Devs: "the beta is going really well, but we have a few things to fix still." Publisher: "We will release next month" Devs: "but it's not done yet." Publisher: "Get it out next month or we stop paying you. Just tack the other stuff on later."
  10. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Release date is apparently set for November 20th. So sign up on the site, they're letting more people in soon. I don't think it's really ready for release, but they insist they are, so we'll see...
  11. Binary

    The Doomsday Thread

    The answer: use a gun. If that don't work, use more gun. And a flamethrower.
  12. Binary

    What is the First Game You Played?

    The Lego Island game? I take my prior post back, this was my first PC game.
  13. Binary

    Dota General

    Alright, thanks. I'll have to try that some time. At least it's an option.
  14. Binary

    Dota General

    Strategy Question: What is jungling, and would it be viable as a Tinker? I had someone suggest this when we already had someone on mid in another game, thought it might be useful to learn.
  15. Binary

    What is the First Game You Played?

    Hmmmm, probably Crash Bandicoot on the PS1. Oldest game was probably Super Mario Bros on my cousin's N64. First PC game was Backyard Hockey.
  16. Binary


    Just finished on my "lets just try this" play-through, which ended up being High Chaos. Man, I feel really bad about that ending. Not sure if all of it is spoilers, but just in case...
  17. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Tutorial's on the way. Like, in the next few weeks. Keep in mind this is just a beta. If you need help let one of us know, and we (at least I) wouldn't mind driving you around to show you the ropes.
  18. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Its basically a pre-order. Instant beta access and some in-game money, as well as some camo. Kinda worth it if you really want in, but you'll have to wait for release to get the skins and dosh.
  19. Binary

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    And guess who's lucky enough to live in a swing state... I stopped watching live TV altogether in June.
  20. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Yes. You must pick the best empire. I'm not allowed to tell you directly, but their initials are T and R.
  21. Binary

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    "Mr. President, your time-" blablablabla "Mr. Preside-" blablablabla "Mr. President, your time is up." blahopeblablaChange. "..." "I'd like to keep things moving along"
  22. Binary

    Dota General

    I'm in, provided I can make it. And no one picks a mid
  23. YOU HAVE MY JAg-wai, um, ya, I'm in.
  24. Binary

    Planetside 2

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/939257693898006343/46058A122ACBF4B5D72A3B7C4314F54339747D21/ TR are best tank rushers.
  25. Binary

    SubSPUF Chess Tournament

    And Noooo rule 20 @Silent's post. So, Silent v. Doop, and Rynjin V. Napkin Dust. gogogogogogogogogogogogogogo