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Everything posted by Binary

  1. Binary

    SPUFnet IRC 2: Electric Bugaloo

    Hang on everyone, trying to fix stuff. just close the window
  2. Binary

    Planetside 2

  3. Binary

    Stamda's art dump

    Commander Bowie, Cube, and Facade
  4. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Looks like they finally added flashlights! Night just got a lot more interesting....
  5. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Ummmmmm... Join a server. What server is everyone on again? I'm on Themisto. Oh, and join the Best Empire. (The TR.)
  6. Binary

    SubSPUF Chess Tournament

    The heck is this premium account stuff... Oh, well, nuuu bracket! Congratulations Silent on your "HUMILIATING DEFEAT" Silent v. Doopliss and Raz v. Grobag.
  7. Binary

    Stamda's art dump

    Oooooh, I get it now... Should have changed that on my phone.
  8. Binary

    Vidya confessions

    Roblox was actually pretty decent for a while. Then they pushed Builder's club...
  9. Binary


    I played this over at a friends house. I just grabbed the riot shield and walked up and stabbed everyone.
  10. Binary

    Stamda's art dump

    Abex300? That name sounds familiar, I think that's a spuffer.
  11. Binary

    Describe fellow SPUFers with tropes.

    I have tri-level. So I'm a sub-level dweller?
  12. Binary

    how do i shot computer

    Well, check the power supply first, then the motherboard, then the ram.
  13. Binary

    Describe fellow SPUFers with tropes.

    Cube: www.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConsultingMisterPuppet
  14. Binary

    how do i shot computer

    Erm. As far as a shorted board, the best / only way is a new motherboard, and possibly some other components.
  15. Binary

    name translations.

    Brb buying nametags
  16. Binary

    GameMaker Studio Tutorials!

    Definitely. Remember when it was $20? I think its worth it, now that I've actually had a chance to work with it. They've moved it toward being much more powerful and professional.
  17. Seeing as we just got this little gem added to the steam workshop, I figure quite a few people might want to give it a shot. There are a lot of reviews online, but I figured one from the very beginner's perspective might help. A simple introduction to Game Maker Studio: In essence, GM (GameMaker) is a Development Environment, made to make programming of games simpler, and easier to follow. The difference between using GM and say, hand-writing an engine, is that GM takes all your resources, and packages them up neatly for you. What one GM file is would be about 30 folders if done manually. The other benefit is the Drag and Drop functions. These are basically small snippets of code that can be combined to define simple behaviors in the game. Although limited, they are very useful for beginners, as it removes the "code" block to understanding game logic. The real power comes once you move onto GM's built in programming language. GM exports all script in C++, but the GML (Game Maker Language) removes a lot of the redundancy inherent with most languages.I'll take the first few from my old website, and write more later on, on specific subjects, or other requests.Part 1- Using Game Maker as a creation suite.Part 2- Your first game.Part 3- Variables are your friendPart 4- Basic GMLPart 5- Advanced GMLPart 6- Common Game Logic.
  18. Binary

    GameMaker Studio Tutorials!

    Just when you thought you were safe.... Part 3- Variables! This is arguably the heart and soul of any sort of program, so listen up. What is a variable? Mathematically speaking, a variable is anything used to represent a value that isn't constant, that is, that it can be changed. The same applies for GM. variables are essentially storage blocks for information. They can be used to keep track of score, or a state of a object, or where a player is, ect. What are some common variables? GM defines a few more common variables for you automatically, such as x, y, image_number, health, score, ect. What are the types of variables? There are three main types of variables, which become more important once you move onto GML. They are global, local, and instance. The main two you will work with during Drag and Drop (and for a majority of GML as well) are instance and global. Instance: Used in an instance only, usually the object that created it. Can be referenced within the object with no issues. Useful for things like position (x,y) and health. Global: Can be seen by any object, script, or code. These are useful for things like scores, timers, and other things referenced by multiple objects. Local: Referenced only in the piece of code that created it. Useful for more complex calculations. Great. Now how do I use them? Well, the first thing you must do when working with variables is initialize them. GM is great in the way that it handles this. In most other languages, variables must define their type, range, and starting value. This can cause headaches later on if you say, give a variable more than it can hold. Luckily, GM deals with this very well. When creating a variable, all you have to do is give it a name. Go to the "control" tab, and find the "Set Variable" node. Then drag it into the create event. You should always define variables in the create event, even if you don't need them right away. Then, name it what you need it to be. For example, "reload" This creates and stores the value of the variable "reload" You can also replace the "0" to have the variable start with some value. For example, you could do the same thing with a "ammo" variable, but have it start out with 20. Note: for global variables, place a "global." in front of them always. So "global.ammo" will be a global version of ammo. Just try to use a different name if you have both a global and local version. How to use variables. So now that we have variables, lets figure out how to make them be useful. To acheive this, we're just going to make a new object that counts the number of times you press space, and turns red when it goes over 10. So, to start out, create a new object, say obj_variable. In the create event, we will define the following variables: spaces and state. Click and drag the set variable blocks into the create event. Then assign spaces to zero, and state to "red" So, the default value for spaces will be zero, and the default state for state will be "red" Notice that the value for state is in quotation marks. This tells the engine that this variable will hold a string (a phrase in letters), instead of a numeric value. This isn't necessary, but it helps keep code straight. Then, create a event for "Key Press - Space" (different from just normal "keyboard-space") In it, create a code block that sets spaces to relative 1. (This is done by clicking the checkbox at the bottom of the imput window.) The difference between relative and non-relative in this case is that when you set a variable relative to something, it will add it on top of the current value. For example, if spaces already equals 5, and we add 1 relative to it, the new value will be 6. If we set it to one non-relatively, the new value will be 1. Then, create a step event. These are called for every step of the game, and are used for anything that could be changing on its own at any point in the game. Then add the "Test Variable" block. Have it check the spaces variable for being greater than or equal to 10. Now, this is a simple "if" command. We'll get more in-depth with them when I move on to GML. Basically, they will do the next action if their criteria are met, in this case, that the spaces variable is greater than or equal to 10. Now, in that next action, drag in another set variable. This time, set the state variable to "green" Now, once the variable spaces is greater than 10, it will set state to green. So, the code functionality is done, but there's no way to see if it actually works. So, make two new sprites, one spr_green, and one spr_red. Now, still in the step event of obj_variable, create another check variable block. Have it check if state equals "green". Then add a sprite change block, and change the sprite to spr_green. Also set the object's default sprite to spr_red. You're all set. Add the object to a room, run it, pres space at least 10 times, and see what happens!
  19. Binary

    How to laptop please

    Plus the reviews are excellent. General rule: Set a price range, sort by best rating, and go from there.
  20. Binary

    How to laptop please

    You can get a pretty darn decent laptop for under $1000 for sure. What will you be using it for? Like, focus more for school or games?
  21. Binary

    2012 US Presidential Debates

    Silly, that's not how you spell Biden. And this is the presidential debate.
  22. Binary

    Vidya confessions

    I didn't buy it in the first place.
  23. Binary

    Finished your backlog yet?

    Backlog: Play Me.*grabs tf2*Me: Later.
  24. Binary

    Vidya confessions

    I never played Zelda or Final Fantasy either.My only handheld was a Gameboy Advance.I think the Wii has a few good games.I hardly even touched Borderlands.