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Everything posted by Binary

  1. Oops. Ill put it in spoilers next time.
  2. TECH MODE ACTIVATE:The two main aspects of a processor are the number of cores, and the speed at which it can preform calculations (ghz). As such it, depends on what you have are doing with said processor. For single tasks, higher speed is better. So, for gaming, you can actually get away with less cores, but higher speeds. For multitasking (picture editing, work computers, ect.) you want more cores. When you have a multi-core processor, it spits the total speed across those cores, and can "divvy" out processor power to any of the cores, so you get faster speeds across multiple programs, opposed to higher performance for one thing. However, most games are now designed to use all the cores at the same time, eliminating the issues from before.So yes, in general, more cores is better. But speed is also very important- A 2.0 four core will be slower than a 2.3 three core.
  3. Alrighty. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152335Ok, so it isn't exact. I will admit that apple does have decent laptops, as that is the one area that you can't go DIY. But still, the only really impressive thing about that laptop is the screen. If they could put a bit more power in there (even just a 2.5+ processor), and some more space, and keep the price the same, THEN it fits.
  4. Those specs. They do not impress me.or fit the price point.
  5. Binary

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    Heh, even better is reading through the numerous freak out threads I've submbled across... Good times....
  6. Binary

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    Actually.... It just might be. You'd have to be crazy to try to get to them.
  7. Binary

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    No, you dont. I got here just in time for that.*shudders*
  8. Binary

    Planetside 2

    Sadly, nothing. There isn't anything to actually play yet. They've got to be close to beta by now, they had it playable at e3.
  9. Binary

    Planetside 2

    necrobump!They are giving away a TON of beta keys on their twitter feed, for those interested.http://bit.ly/s7Zakt(even though you can't actually play yet...)And added a trailer to the op.
  10. And explosions. Not to mention liquid nitrogen. and liquid nitrogen explosions.
  11. Binary


    You poor thing.... You have no idea.
  12. No, Adam is best mythbuster. Why? FEDORA.I reject your reality and substitute my own.But yes, mythbusters is awesome.
  13. Binary

    Stick a fork in EA, they're done.

  14. Binary

    The Ship

    I've seen that before. And ragdolls are different for every client, so its possible.
  15. Binary

    Day Z (Arma 2 Mod)

    And this is why we can't have nice things... www.kotaku.com/5917211/security-breach-turns-dayzs-servers-into-a-giant-botnet?utm_campaign=socialflow_kotaku_twitter&utm_source=kotaku_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
  16. Binary

    I am slowly going insane.

    I just pre-ordered Quantum Conundrum. I had *just* enough in my account, and the items do look really good.The only other things I've pre-ordered were Deus Ex and Portal 2. Both totally worth it.(I thought about Brink, but it was too expensive, and I didn't think it looked all that fun in the long run.)
  17. Binary

    CLANG (Gabe Cameo)

    Gabe making crowbar.:headsplosion:
  18. Binary


    Sooo- Love Hate Bromance Hate w/ a third wheel. Fascinating.
  19. Binary

    TF2 Bucket Lists.

    Prove that you can be a good Pyro without the Axetinguisher.Get someone to thank me for extinguishing them.Level up my Widowmaker.Get someone new to take Steve.Get an unusual.Thats pretty much it.
  20. Binary

    The Ship

    Good news: It works.Bad news: I remembered I can only use one hand. :rage:
  21. Binary

    The Ship

    Hm. I wonder if my laptop can run this. /installs
  22. Binary

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    That is still multiplying... Looks like Valve hired another guy....
  23. Binary

    What may be goodbye :c

    Why would he want "CoiNCiDeNCe" as a name in the first place?
  24. Binary


    A truer statement has never before been made...
  25. Binary

    What may be goodbye :c

    I thought you were Giglo for a second...