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Everything posted by Binary

  1. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Heh, glad you're enjoying it! Ill most likely be moving damage to those files as well, so you can modify the damage of the projectiles directly.
  2. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    The reload speed values are tied to the item schema, which will be external in the next update.Darn, I really need to figure out whats up with the screenshots... Anyone mind posting their screen resolution?
  3. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Oh! I guess I could add that, wouldn't be too difficult, actually. Yep, Mod support was a great idea! Mind if I borrow some of those later on?(Also, would anyone mind taking a steam screenshot in windowed mode (F4)? I think they might turn out better.)Also, Wiki!(Includes full object list for messing around with. be carefull, though.)
  4. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Darn, I can't see your FPS. How's that running?
  5. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Good! Ill look into getting a wiki or something set up.
  6. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    I was waiting for someone to do that! Was it easy to get to the files?Screenshot: Because GameMaker. It dosent handle screenshots well. You can press F9 to take a screenshot directly, or try it in windowed mode (F4).
  7. Binary

    I just unboxed my first unusual! :D

    That's ... GREAT for you!
  8. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Just haven't put it in yet. Still trying to decide how to respawn the player.
  9. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Said bug wouldn't happen to be the pro spinning in a circle after using a flare gun then switching to the primary, would it?Rep does attract to you infinitely, mostly because after the monarch gets to a certain point, it will disappear before you can get to it. I'll think of a workaround.And yes, the monarch does crush/absorb smaller crabs. I'll have to look at the hitbox again, I thought I fixed it before...
  10. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Oh, yep, that would do it.Can't believe I left that in there /facepalm
  11. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Did you extract the zip?
  12. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    I'd appreciate it! And yes, I think that's all you have to do. Stop shooting the rocks then! But really, should I turn down the number of spycrab rocks? (its about 50/50 right now.)
  13. Binary

    SPUF-F Poll: Mods.

    Funny story: My friend an I were messing around with some of the variables, and made a gun that shoots 10 flares per second in 360 degrees. It litteraly cleared the level in about 10 seconds of holding the attack button down. Needless to say, it has since been removed.Oh, ya, and the update's out. Take a look and let me know what you think!
  14. Binary

    SPUF-F Poll: Mods.

    SPUF-F For SPUF Fortress, of course.Since I've already modified the item schema enough that I'm completely overhauling the weapons system, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me adding mod support. Essentially, what it is, is instead of a single Executable (.exe) like the previous versions, it now includes external files. These currently include the weapon scripts, which define a weapon's function. This allows for the tweaking of the individual, pre-existing weapons. I could add, say, the ability to define your own new weapons, provided they use pre-existing images by giving access to the item schema. I could also take it as far as to fully implement your own weapons, with custom backpack images and such. Although this is not a TON of extra work, it is something I'd like to know so as to not code myself into a corner.A sample item script: var bullet_type, spread, _speed, number_shot;//Variables: Feel free to edit thesebullet_type=obj_flame;spread=30;_speed=10;number_shot=1;//Code, ignore mostly.repeat(number_shot){ bullet=instance_create(x,y,bullet_type) with (bullet) {motion_add(argument0+spread-random(spread*2),_speed+random(1))}}Sample schema bit://0: Name///////////////////////////////1: Description////////////////////////2: Manufacturer///////////////////////3: Pros///////////////////////////////4: Cons///////////////////////////////5: Extra//////////////////////////////6: Equippable Class///////////////////7: Script/////////////////////////////8: Reload/////////////////////////////9: Alt-Script/////////////////////////10: Alt-script reload/////////////////11: Sprite////////////////////////////Blank//Flamethrowerweapon[1,0]="Flamethrower"weapon[1,1]="Level 1 Flamethrower"weapon[1,2]="Mann Co."weapon[1,3]=""weapon[1,4]=""weapon[1,5]=""weapon[1,6]="Pyro"weapon[1,7]=working_directory+"\Files\Scripts\Weapons\flamer.txt"weapon[1,8]=1weapon[1,9]=working_directory+"\Files\Scripts\Weapons\flamer2.txt"weapon[1,10]=15weapon[1,11]=spr_pyro_flamerweapon[1,12]="Primary"I can re-write portions to make them a bit more user friendly, and it can be as simple as changing a few numbers, to making a entirely new mechanic. I of course would be happy to provide entity and variable names as well.
  15. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Alright, this this aught to be a decent point to put this out there- V 0.3 Changelog 0.3 (5/24/12): [*]Added new enemy types: Medium and Monarch Spycrabs [*]Changed rep drop image [*]Added Detonator. Still does not do self-damage. [*]Added Alt-fire to the flamethrower: Compression Blast. [*]File structure system change for easier future modifications. [*]Adjustments to the window size. [*]Added first hat. Get by defeating the Monarch Spycrab. [*]Changed the inventory screen. [*]Improved enemy AI (Thanks O'Malley!) [*]010101010111000001100100011000010111010001100101011001000010000001001100011011110110001101100001011011000110100101111010011000010111010001101001011011110110111000100000010001100110100101101100011001010111001100101110 x- fire c- alt-fire -Download- Also, if anyone would be so kind, I use a program called dropbox to sync my home and school pc, letting me get a lot more work done. Sadly, I'm running out of storage. I can get more space if I can get others to sign up, however. It really is extremely usefull for things like schoolwork and self-hosting. So, if you may, have a look.
  16. Binary

    This Is Going To Be A Very Harsh Summer

    Actually, Goldeneye is a very nice Wii game.
  17. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    For now it would be limited to weapons and items, there really isn't a way to provide access to enemy AI.
  18. xkcd. Best one I've read in a while.
  19. Binary

    SPUF-F Poll: Mods.

    I'm not familiar with the AZS tools, but it is currently limited to adjusting the function of existing weapons. I've transferred to the new system, I can upload a new version if you'd like to look at it.
  20. Binary

    SPUF-F Poll: Mods.

    Um... Well, I updated the first code snippet, should be a bit easier to read now. Maybe :worried:
  21. Binary

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    These threads both horrify and amuse me at the same time...
  22. Binary

    Humongous Entertainment Games.

    Backyard Hockey ftw!
  23. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Glad to say that it looks like that the next version will be slightly modifyable, for those so inclined.Speaking of which, would anyone like to mod? So I know for the future.
  24. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Have I mentioned I hate filesystems?Worst....idea.....ever.....Edit: FIGURED IT OUT! :D
  25. Binary

    SPUF Fortress

    Alright, finally got back to working on this! Agenda: [*]Modify weapon schema to support all weapons. (In-progress) [*]Companion System [*]Respawning [*]Class Selection [*]Tutorial Right now, I've modified the item schema to reduce the variable per weapon by causing it to execute a script for each weapon instead of containing all variables, and basing them off of the same base design. This allows for much more in-depth weapons, such as food items and buildables. I've also split alt-fires and regular for the same reason. This should also make integrating an action slot (for things like instant health kits and radios) much simpler. And then we can finally get to the fun stuff.