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Everything posted by Binary

  1. Binary

    we media now

    http://dota2.cyborgmatt.com/comedyicons/ I would pay for an arcana version of this.
  2. Binary

    Dota General

    Viper bot is OP. Shotgun Morphing is good. Bristleback is really fun.
  3. Binary

    Poker Night 2

    I look forward to the inevitable Cubestep
  4. Binary

    Dota General

    So I tried this last night. It was not beneficial. Turns into a free nyx for the enemy team. Who'da thunk?
  5. Binary

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7380601344/h631D273F/ also manidory OT gif:
  6. Binary

    Dota General

    But none of us had a force staff...
  7. Binary

    Storyline or hardcore Gameplay?

    Gameplay for me. A game without any sort of story can be incredibly fun. However, they can make up for each other. Bioshock was eh game play, good story, so its still a good game.
  8. Binary

    Competitive Discussion

    Oh man. TPL Liquid v VP finals. Warlock, luna, undying, clockwork, everyone just popped everything at once in the rosh pit. And it crashed It freaking crashed. That was hilarious.
  9. Binary

    TF2 general

    Wow, these steampipe map load times. Rather impressive.
  10. Binary

    Dota General

    Oh yeah I forgot to post these.
  11. Binary

    Planetside 2

    This made me chuckle. Out loud.
  12. Binary

    Poker Night 2

    This is great. No, really, all the characters are perfect, but GLaDOS steals the show. Just, some of these lines, Is simply hilarious. I'll keep playing even if I'm losing just to hear this stuff.
  13. Binary

    Dota General

    So now that you can submit HUDs, I've decided to try to make one. Currently trying to make a tinker one that doesnt look like I made it in MS Paint. It is understandably difficult. ETA: 3 years.
  14. Binary

    Left 4 Dead 2

    So, l4d2 is coming to Linux soon. My game library grows!
  15. Binary

    What'cha been playing?

    Brb buying spec ops
  16. Binary

    Dota General

    Not even not guy delivered... Although, we got a lot of bug fixes and some new heroes in CM. I am OK with this patch. Also HL3 confirmed '>
  17. Binary

    Planetside 2

  18. Binary

    Dota General

    Every Dota player's 5 favorite words.
  19. Binary


    I placed a remote camera on a manually detonated scuttle round. They need to ad a way to make rockets play sound, so my Jaws Rocket will be complete.
  20. Binary


    I think I've seen maybe 1 sniper this whole time. Think there might have just been some sort of sniper convention.
  21. Binary

    Senior Prom Users Forums

    Can I be the guy that duct tapes everyone's lazer sensors to cheat give us a competitive edge? Or the more likely event would be cannon fodder.
  22. Binary


    I broke down and got the $10 pack.
  23. Binary


    And now we share our weapons. My new favorite, its essentially a charged up close distance nuke. Followed by a punch or a bit of DPS, they're down. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884105815435999140/715B2820831255B7B7B4BAA7A1DF13E19BA7299F/ My prefered defensive/makes a giant bubble of fire weapon. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884105815436000966/DBEC5FD198E35E30A4ECE268E4CAB0BB35989EA3/ And finally, my healing shotgun. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/884105815436004026/72295F58D9ABC208FD31C1BD6A17076A7C14C24A/
  24. Binary


    Yeah, they need to work on their steam integration. It also doesn't list people based on if they are online or not. A lot of people on my list have really old names. I think it goes off of URL.