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Status Updates posted by Binary

  1. Good morning everyone! The sun is shining, the forum's clea- THE FORUM IS CLEAN!!!

  2. New header should be fixed, dont know what was up...

  3. Treat protector is so op.

  4. Movie Night should be around 8 EST, possibly eariler or later.

  5. Tune in for movie night, starting soon! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/binarycoded Password: Movienight

  6. FINALLY. Parts arrive on Friday.

  7. Upgrading my system. Gotta reinstall windows, I'll be on and off line tonight, and movie night may be postponed.

  8. help, im stuck in the reddit switchy link thing.

  9. Just played dota with a 4stack. All of them were incredibly high. Hilarity ensued.

  10. Earth spirit is the best hero ever.

  11. Mafiaknight looks really freaking cool.

  12. I have 5 items waiting for aproval for PS2. I think it's time to take a break from modeling.

  13. I have now devoted myself to insessantly refreshing scrap.tf looking for bots with more than 2 homewreckers.

  14. Svlette Helmet is accepted! (The thong one)

  15. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SPUFURB

  16. Model optimization sucks.

  17. aaaaaaaaa Star Citizen Dogfighting module reveal soon!

  18. Two new accepted helmets, a TF2 update, and a new graphics card. Today was a good day.

  19. I just stayed up until 1 AM to buy a $15 dogtag keychain. I'm not obsessed, I'm dedicated.

  20. Notice: Spoiler tags have been changed. See the forum changes for details. Posts appear to have taken the changes automatically, however, other areas may not.

  21. [planning intensifies]

  22. [screams existentially]

  23. Streaming A:I as a test. No mic or anything, Let me know how it looks.
