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Posts posted by Binary

  1. I just finished a round or two on the un-serious server, and I really think something needs to be done. As someone put it, "the mood got really cold." and frankly, it really has. People have been kicked very soon after they joined, with little to no (and I mean a rapid 20-second countdown) of a warning. Granted, the votekick is useful in the long run, and I'm glad its in, but I feel that there might be a bit of persecution of newcomers. Almost "Do what we are doing RIGHT NOW or be gone forever." It make me feel a bit sorry for them, I almost got kicked myself. This restriction suddenly made us stuck in the same thing for quite a while. I saw a demonight, and a few other classes, but as soon as the joined, because they weren't doing what we were doing, they were gone.

    I think the only way to really solve it is to actually define, what it is exactly IS not serious. I think that the motd needs to be changed to explain it, and if that doesn't work, get a plugin that reads the rules then they join. Also, I think at least a small amount of rules should be added or enforced. If I may, (and I will most likely edit as suggestions come in) post a description and rules below.

    NONSRS- non-see-ri-o-oos:Not serious play, as in not "playing" the game. Generally includes: not capturing objectives except to extend time, not killing the opposing team unless the situation calls for it, and generally having fun.


      [*]Listen to admins

      [*]If you aren't interested in joining in on a activity, please do not interfere with others doing so.

      [*]If someone wishes not to be killed, respect that.

      (and that some of us have gotten a bit heavy handed on the votekick button...)

  2. My first video game? It was a weird PC game that I played when I was two years old. You moved around a map and got a key and got to the exit. It scared me for some reason.

    0.0 I remember that! that was in the same pack as SkiFree!That yeti still haunts me.....

  3. Is anyone else as amped for this as I am? I just got my beta access key, and read a lot of articles, and it just keeps sounding better and better. For some reason, though, I feel like i'm going to end up driving people around a lot.

  4. It really is a great game. I didn't like it at first, but it grows on you after a while. Singleplayer is good, But multiplayer certainly take the cake. I think they need to update the demo, because it really isn't a good demonstration of what it now is.
