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Posts posted by Binary

  1. Went out with a friend on a remote trail last night and claimed some empty gyms, then wandered around trails catching stuff for the rest of the night. I have three Raticates as gym holders, a 334 Pidgeot that I've been working on. (place is lousy with Pidgeys.) Also found a Jigglypuff, Ekans, DoDuo and Meowth. Trying to find enough Eevees to evolve one. 


    Pretty fun actually. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Razputin said:

    I got a beer and when I sat down at my computer I realized I didnt have a bottleopener so instead of going back to get one I spent ten minutes looking at youtube videos on how to open a beer bottle


    I did succeed though

    I had a similar situation: Went out and bought my first mixed pack of beer. Got it home and realized I didn't have a bottle opener, and it was too late to go buy one. 


    Turns out that needle nose pliers make an ugly but effective bottle opener. 

  3. Hmm, mixed bag so far. EA wasted 95% of their conference with FIFA and Madden as usual. Star Wars stuff was reassuring to see, but nothing shown, which was disappointing. Would have liked to hear a name or at least a setting. BF1 looks pretty fantastic actually. That 1hr stream after the conference was better than the whole rest of the prior stream. 


    Bethesda was not quite the "winning E3" announcements from last year, but was pretty understandable. Bethesda VR sounds interesting. Knew about the fallout dlc already. I didn't play Prey, so I wasn't too hyped about it. It could be interesting, I'll be keeping an eye on it. Dishonored 2, on the other hand, looks fantastic. Very excited for that. The time travel section looks very interesting. 


    And then there's quake. I was so excited when I saw "QUAKE" on the command prompt. Trailer looked neat. And then there was the hero shooter... Not too sure how I feel about it. I'm willing to give it a chance, provided that the gun play and speed remain intact.

  4. So, debrief time! 




    How was the timing?

    How was the organization?

    What did you enjoy/not enjoy?

    Are we all ok with invading the mlm/onyx mumble again, or should I look into one of our own?


    My personal thoughts: Was pretty fun, I enjoyed playing with yall again, and TF2 was good to come back to. Maps were eh. We might want to consider playing something different next week within tf2, maybe PassTime or Mann Power or MvM. 


  5. WHEN: Saturdays! Mid-afternoon. Like 1:00-ish


    WHAT: A community selected game. Preferably F2P/Popular. New game every month. 


    WHO: You. Yes you. 



    So, what I'm thinking is bringing back subspuf game nights as part of SPUFPowered 2.0(tm) I'll make a thread at the end of the month, asking for game suggestions. Top 10-ish will go into a poll, then we'll vote. We will have game day/night/hour on Saturday (tbd), where we all play the winning game.


    As such, this thread will double as a feedback thread and suggestion thread for June's game. 


    I'll be proposing TF2 for this month, just for ease of access, and a bit of nostalgia.

  6. As a side note, since this is my first blizard game, handle is binarycoder#1128.


    So far so really freaking fun. 


    Top tier: Mercy, Reinheart, Lucio, Symetra, Mei

    Mid teir: Pharah, Reaper, Zarya, Winston

    Cant Play well: Rest

    Will only play if super desperate because I feel dirty: Bastion
