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Posts posted by Binary

  1. Lets see here...


    2nd and 3rd semesters of college. Got some prereques out of the way. GPA's still good to go.

    Family moved to Georga.

    Return of the bone infection x2

    Steam controller/link

    Pebble Time Steel

    Not bad. Not great either.



  2. Alright spoiler time lets do this.


    So that was fantastic. Everything felt perfect. I never got a feeling that I wasn't watching star wars. That said:


    • Practical effects. Holy shit these were so good. Nothing looked weird and fake. 
    • Humor. Expertly paced. There was a lot of great dialogue.  "That's not how the force works!" "So now do I talk or you talk?" and chewie handing Han his jacket. 
    • BB-8. I was really pessimistic about this one. Looked like a very clear "toy" character but holy shit it works. The amount of personality they gave to this little ball was incredible. Also I love the design. It actually makes a lot of sense for the desert planet. 
    • Kylo Ren. This is gonna be a really good villain. The voice really throws me off, as he isn't the traditional "menacing villain." But the power. Holy shit. Stopping the blaster bolt in mid air? Force Stun? Daymn son. Also my favorite part was him beating on his blaster wound with Rey as an attempt to gain more power. Fantastic writing.
    • Han Solooooooooooo. While I'm sad to see him go, it was both expected and understandable. Harrison really didn't like the character, but instead of just killing him off in the narative, ala "It hasn't been the same since Han died," there is this excellent performance. Fantastic one liners. I loved him being in a "mentor" role, and how that's so different from how we first met him. 
    • Maz. "I like that Wookie."
    • The Force felt new again. It's back to being that mystical energy that surprises us and is incredible any time it's shown.
    • Soundtrack. John Williams. What else?


    • The nostalgia factor was strong with this one. "Look, here's R2D2! He's just sitting in a corner. We'll bring him back when he's relevant.
    • I would have liked to see a bit more deviation from the old designs for spaceships. x-wings are cool and all, but all you've done is split the engines in half and painted it black.
    • Cut content. There was a shit ton of stuff left out of the movie. I've read the leaked scripts that called for a resistance super weapon, and a whole lot of lore stuff was cut to bring it down from 3+ hours to 2:30. I hope theres deleted scenes and whatnot.
    • The light speed tunnel thing was too similar to star trek. Only thing that felt out of place.
    • Chewie, post-Han. Just really never saw the weight of Hans death. I mean, they've been running around probably for 50+ years, and while the immediate reaction (roar, blaster bolt) was perfect, afterwards, he just kinda runs off to follow Finn. Not console lLea, or anything. And then he's all set and perfect to fly the Falcon with Rey. 


    Not sure where this falls, but Luke. Daymn JJ. He was in every meeting, every pannel, every set photo, and yet, we see him for all of 2 minutes at the very end of the movie. It's fantastic and frustrating at the same time.



    Finally, where are our bets on Rey's ancestry? My personal opinion is that she's


    Kenobi's granddaughter. Think he had a thing with Satine before she kicked the bucket, and that's really the only force-sensitive family line that's not explored yet. I'm betting it's not a Skywalker because that's too obvious, and her connection to her "father" would be much stronger.


  3. Pssssh, I just got another monitor. Triple is the only way now. (Not technically Christmass because I ordered them black friday and am only now able to pick them up from home.)


    Anyway, items of note:

    Got my first flask from my cousin. Funny because the rest of the family still thinks I dont drink. And I have to wait another 6 months before I can get anything to put in it...

    New bookbag.

    Fuzzy sandals. Oddly comfortable.

    Lots of money and food.

  4. 4 hours ago, Expresate said:

    What's wrong with Razer aside from the fact they're overpriced and try to appeal to XxMLGxX "pro gamers." They're nice ;-;


    They aren't bad, but pretty much as you said, they're ovepliced, and slightly lower quality on some things. They're like the Apple of peripherals. 


    They make good things, the black widow is actually a very nice mech. There's just better, less flashy alternatives. 

  5. 20 hours ago, Moby said:

    the extra line skip from pressing enter is gone.

    That one's intentional. We got a option to change that functionality back to what it was originally.

    As for the rest....


    I can't fix the icons. Dont know why they are like that, but they are. I'll see what we can do.



    Also a few new features:

    • Chat's  working again. Limited to 5 users.
    • Activity streams. They're there.
    • You can select portions of text to quote it.
    • Lots of editor improvements. You can click and drag quotes, delete them easier, etc.
    • Additional options when ctrl+right click in editor


  6. So we don't have issues with duplicates, and now with the new format for steam sales, it is highly advisable to hold off on getting any items from your own wishlist until the 25th/whenever you receive your gifts.


    For those that don't know, the sales are now the same every day. No more dailys and whatnot.

  7. Other readability changes - 12/18/2015:

    • Created Anime Subforum under entertainment theater. Pinned a general discussion, random image, and reaction image thread.
    • Removed/Archived the following unused boards:
      • AMA Board. can be returned if large interest is shown in the future.
      • Issue Tracker. I'll make a thread for that. Old system was too complicated
    • Permissions for Announcement board have restricted thread creation to Mods/Admins. All non-announcement topics have been moved to general discussion.

