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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    Payday General

    Sounds like fun.
  2. Buddhazilla


    ye, meh, ye, eh, wut
  3. Buddhazilla

    TF2 general

    Still no Bison strangifier. Sad day for Buddha.
  4. Buddhazilla


    Pinsir/Heracross mystery gift event is up (US only). They come with moves you can already teach them with TMs but they have good natures (also mine was female so I can breed it).
  5. Buddhazilla


    Well, at least this opens up the possiblity of more gen 5 megas. Please, PLEASE let there be a mega of at least one bug type from gen 5.
  6. Buddhazilla


    What. Audino I get. Sure. But Slowbro? Not Slowking?
  7. Buddhazilla


    After a few spot battles and much frustration, I discovered that not even mean look prevents pokes from switching out if the user also switches out. I'm going to need to flex my mindgames to get mummyking to work. Also I should probably rely less on cheesing with Slaking anyway, mostly because in the end he's only a normal type with 65 base sp. def.
  8. Buddhazilla

    How we hold our mice

    I always thought I had the claw grip but I guess I have the fingertip. Also, middle finger on scroll wheel and moves to right mouse button when necessary.
  9. Buddhazilla


    Does anyone know if Infestation's switch-blocking persists even when the user switches out? Computers are either too dumb to switch pokes out from Grobag or Infestation is actually trapping them. Results are in. Infestation only works while the user is on the field. Shame, since it does damage comparable to the burn status while active (and is also very fitting for a sarcophagus). I'll have to settle for Mean Look to keep my prey in place while Slaking sells his soul to the mummy's curse.
  10. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    For those opted into the Steam beta, if you restart you should find that the UI has been updated. Looks pretty slick.
  11. Buddhazilla

    Payday General

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcy45MlI-lA SLAP
  12. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Apparently 25% of $199.99 is Third-party. Math checks out.
  13. Buddhazilla


    Did some battle institute to test out some teams. Rolled fake-out/hi-jump mienshao, slaking, and toxic stall gliscor. Bullshit ensued. The legendaries were Tornadus, Latios, and Regigigas. Almost managed to 1-shot Regi with a life orb'd giga impact from Slaking. Not quite though. I should have fake-outed the Ttar but I got too ballsy and went straight for jump kick. I fucking hate walrein. I should get one.
  14. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    It's kinda weird knowing that Ross isn't a doofus 24/7.
  15. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    I think that each book has about 5 uses and have a relatively short recharge timer. No idea how long the sword takes to recharge, or how he gets it back. He could actually recharge his stuff with a taunt when the timer's up.
  16. Buddhazilla

    The International 4

    Afterparty will be streamed here at about 7 PM Pacific.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    New Miiverse thingy, which says Robin can't use dark magic in the main game. He can, actually, just not as a tactician or a grandmaster. He can switch classes to a dark mage, dark knight, or a sorcerer, which can use dark tomes. Anyway yeah apparently the fire emblem wiki also has his/her specials figured out already. Up-b is Elwind, down-b is Nosferatu, side-b is Arcfire, and neutral-b is the Thunder variations.
  18. Buddhazilla

    The International 4

    That epic cheese steal though.
  19. Buddhazilla

    The International 4

    You would be if this was TI1
  20. The new Weird Al-bum is actually really good.

    1. Silent


      really digging it. havent listened to his stuff in ages and this album is neat

  21. Buddhazilla

    Dark Souls General

    Ruin Sentinels x3, Lost Sinner, Gargoyles x5, Scorpioness. Where is the goddamn boss soul weapon crafter. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING FRAGRANT BRANCHES got it from Tark Now to wander until I find another pathway that isn't the pit. Maybe I'll do the rat covenant stuff.
  22. Buddhazilla

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If Inside Story was meh then you are NOT gonna like Dream Team. Trust me.
  23. Buddhazilla

    Smache Brothers

    More information on Robin in the latest Miiverse post. The Levin sword breaks after a certain amount of uses, and takes time to recharge. His B moves charge his active tome which he can unleash with what I assume is neutral B. I think if he uses the max level charge or enough of the lower level charges, he throws it away and gains a different tome. His/her playstyle seems to revolve around patience and resource management... just like Fire Emblem.
  24. Buddhazilla

    Dota General

    It begins. Also, art belongs in the media thread, not here.