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Everything posted by Facade

  1. Facade

    Healths you end up on often?

    Scout: 0Sniper: 0Spy: 0This CAN'T be a coincidence, it just can't.
  2. Facade

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    I know I'm usually the first one to criticize posting about the guests but this seems a little too out of the ordinary. Don't mind people joining, just curious where they're coming from.
  3. Facade

    It all began with a strange email

    The thing is, you really can't compare it to an economy, the closest comparable thing would be the stock market, except this market you can bash two stock together to create a completely different share.
  4. Facade

    Left 4 Dead 2

    4 v 4 versus with friends is fun as fuck.
  5. Facade

    Legalizing Weed

    Voted no, mainly because I can't stand the company of people that are high (let's include drunk in there too) and this would only increase the likelyhood of that me being in said company.Never smoked, never done any sort of illegal/harmful drug and I don't drink. I'm a good boy. :D
  6. Facade

    Dota General

    But that's not our saviour, TobiWan.0/10 Would not feed
  7. Facade

    Catchy songs!

    2Moe4U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8b8NRuodqc And the best ever boss theme.
  8. Facade


    I guess this thread was kind of inevitable considering how much I've based my online identity around it and all that jazz.So let's begin, NIER, in my opinion is the single most overlooked game that has existed this gen. It was developed by Cavia, who also developed Drakengard, which a few of you might have well played and chances are you've seen this whilst in GAME, GameStation, whatever.The game is set in a sort of Post-Apocolyptic Earth 1000 years since the present day and is primarily based around a single father (or brother in the asian version) whose Daughter (Sister) has a condition called "The Black Scrawl" who is desperately trying to find a cure, all the while trying to earn money doing odd jobs to put food on the table.There are a few problems, but are easily overlooked, the graphics are pretty average, the combat is a little clunky and tedious to begin with and there are minor parts of the game which can be an ache but it's the plot where the game truly comes into it's own, with just about the best OST I've ever heard to back it up.There isn't much else I can say without spoiling pretty much everything other than to fully understand the situation it needs to be completed atleast 3 times (all of which are New Game+'s and start at a mid-point in the game that only takes 5-6 hours).So has anyone else played it? Even completed it all 4 times?
  9. Facade

    I am slowly going insane.

    Torchlight 2 is the only game I'm really looking forward to and have done for a while, other than Dark Souls on Steam but I have a console copy already so it doesn't really count.None of the games at E3 really sparked my interest towards getting excited and most of the stuff just made me mad. Why? Because FUCK YOU I'm Dante the Demon Killer. :worried:
  10. Facade

    CLANG (Gabe Cameo)

    I'd have posted this sooner, but it just got re-uploaded after being taken down.Without the wonderful world of Kickstarter, we might never of been able to experience, hands down Game of the Year, every. Damn. Year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyU4Y8uQQ7I&feature=player_embedded
  11. Facade

    Dota General

  12. Facade

    Dear lord, the lurkers.

    Gold rightfully deleted his post, I'm sure Witty's sharks still remain however.
  13. Facade

    Borderlands loot chest

    Get out of there dog.You are a dog, not a pearlescant weapon.You do not belong in that chest.
  14. Facade

    Borderlands loot chest

    Posted it in one of the multiple Borderlands threads, it's a shame they haven't included the shelves.
  15. Facade

    Dota General

    We really should get a mumble or something together, since a lot more of us are starting to learn to play which gives us more possibilities for a 5-man queue and if the majority of us spoke, instead of just me, we would actually be able to coordinate things.Now that The International 2 Qualifiers are over I might actually get a game in before 11pm now too. Also, Weaver is cool.:D
  16. Facade

    I am slowly going insane.

    Don't... Don't remind me about Brink.
  17. Facade

    I've never laughed so hard in my life.

    So it's one of these threads is it? I'm in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxfUSJJiBZg&feature=player_embedded
  18. Facade

    Dota General

    So I was playing with Hertz in the DOTA 2 beta. I'm now officially the most irresponsible hard carry ever.:D
  19. Facade

    Dota General

    We'll definitely have to go next year if we're all available.
  20. Facade

    What may be goodbye :c

    I was once playing MW2 with a couple of friends and there was some kid with some name that included "iRoNiK. Back in the lobby after we stomped them in S&D, I asked him if he knew what Irony was, he said he didn't.I asked him why he had "iRoNiK" in his name then and he replied with "Oooohh Ironic, it's like when you have one type of dog, and your girlfriend has the same type of dog and you go 'That's ironic!'."
  21. Facade

    Dota General

    It doesn't have a tutorial yet and you will have been playing a Doom, which is complicated if you don't know how his skills work. The only thing I can say if you want to learn the game is a) Read guides. There are alot of guides and a lot of sites to use (Dotafire, Playdota and its forums, even Reddit) and simply play the game with bots a lot. There are a lot of mechanics to learn and simply working them out by playing numerous practices isn't too hard. It's usually best to play as Skeleton King (open to correction) first as he introduces a few hero mechanics (Stuns, Lifesteal, Crits and a substitute for an Aegis) I can go into a little bit of detail as to what you should really be doing throughout the game (against bots, in pubs it's subject to change). Early game: The early game for the majority of heroes is to farm, this is done by making sure YOU get the last hit (killing blow) on the creeps (the little group of red/green units that fight on three different routes) which gives you bonus gold. Do not try to go for kills on heroes, the towers that defend the entrances hit for a lot at this stage and attacking an enemy hero in its range will make it focus on you rather than the creeps. Roles aren't too important in practice matches and you can carry with just about anyone due to the fact that the courier is always bought and wards are always placed so just farm as much as possible without going too close to the enemy towers unless backed up by other heroes on your team. Remember to buy your core items as soon as possible (usually starting with a variation of boots) Mid game: Mid game (generally about 20 minutes in, unless you're playing a Hard Carry in which you should still be trying to farm as much as possible) is mainly about trying to take out the towers. This is done by pushing your creeps so that they start to attack the towers, and whilst they take the towers attacks, you can hit the tower too. Killing heroes now is generally easier because towers aren't as much of a threat. If you can take the first 6 towers out quickly it helps a ton, both by adding pressure to the enemy and giving your team a boost in gold for every tower destroyed. Late game: Late game (40-50+ minutes) is when you try to get into their base to destroy their last towers and eventually their ancient, players (and bots especially) will group together to push the remaining towers (note the enemies will be doing exactly the same). That's the very basic working of the game and the games can very massively depending on the team line up, there are a lot of things to learn that even the majority of us don't know or atleast don't put into practice. I can't pull the neautral creeps for example, and I know for certain that people some people still auto-attack rather than just going for the last hit. It is a hard game to understand but after the first few games it your understanding does start to snowball.
  22. Facade

    Dota General

    Drops are completely random. Winning or losing has no effect on drops.
  23. Facade

    Dota General

    Drop system, but no currency, everyone trades for what they think looks good and that's about it.