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Everything posted by Dvdgg

  1. Dvdgg

    THIS IS OP: Balancing the Super SPUF fighter.

    I'm weak against magnetic fields, throw me a fridge magnet and I'm ded.
  2. /orangebox/tf/materials/backpack/crafting/fall_key.vmt/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_beardpipe.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/engineer/engineer_pocketcat.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/heavy/heavy_mustachehat.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/medic/medic_gasmask.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/pyro/pyro_fireworksbag.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/scout/scout_trackjacket.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/sniper/sniper_pocketkoala.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/soldier/soldier_warpig.mdl/orangebox/tf/models/player/items/spy/spy_cardhat.mdl
  3. Dvdgg

    The SPUF Civil War

    Where am I? I'm the most iportant character! Every other character should countantly ask "Hey, where is Dvd?" if I'm not with them.
  4. Dvdgg

    Update Incoming - 9/4

    X-com. If you don't want it, gimme that Guile's hair. I NEED IT.
  5. Dvdgg

    Torchlight 2

    So, engineer everyone? Or should I be a berserker?
  6. Dvdgg

    Torchlight 2

    Just a questions, what class will you choose as main? So we can make groups with one of each class, or at least with three different classes. Because I'd enjoy that more than playing only with engineers.
  7. Dvdgg

    SPUF 6s mix - Tuesday 4th September!

    Yup, 6 gmt+1. We had a match against a v5 or something like that game. Although Silent crashed, my nvidia crashed, and I got a phone call, we won. After that we did another round, but we eventually disconnected.
  8. Dvdgg

    Torchlight 2

    fcuk my kyebroad
  9. Dvdgg

    Torchlight 2

    Well, I haveTochlight 3 preordered but not Borderlands 2, so I might be able to play it for... 3 days before starting college. After that, it'll be a goodbye until christmas. Afternoon lessons suck.
  10. Dvdgg

    SPUF 6s mix - Tuesday 4th September!

    I can be the BLU demo or pocket. Pocket better.GMT+1 here I think.
  11. Dvdgg

    Steam Greenlight.

    So, when will binary upload a SPUF Fortress preview to Greenlight?
  12. Hey guys, do you remember Cratesgiving?
  13. Dvdgg

    Jeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds

    I have it in my grandparents' house, the original on vinyl disc, in spanish. It's great.
  14. Guess who has started watching TTGL on his mobile phone?Poor Kubo, hope he gets better soon
  15. Dvdgg

    SPUF Medal!

    7.5 7s.
  16. Dvdgg

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    Huff, do you mind if I leak the story and photos to a spanish forum? Only like 6 users are actually interested in TF2, but it will end in SPUF anyways, right?
  17. Dvdgg

    Which Pet is best pet?

    Chameleons are the best. I wish I had one...
  18. Dvdgg

    Which drink is best drink?

    Cold water.
  19. Dvdgg

    Smache Brothers

    Favorite character: Ice Climbers. SMASH SPAM! Followed by Samus and zee Captain.Favorite map: Green Greens. Big Blue after it, I love the soundtrack. Worst thing they added in Brawl: Tripping, the smoke ball, and the Jimmy minigame in the Wario Ware stage. I always fail at it. Best thing they left out from Melee: L-cancelling, I managed to laern how to do it. And black holes were always funny.Character you're hoping will be in the next game: I wouldn't mind a character from EBA or Ouendan, usind dance steps as normal and smash attacks and summoning the people they helped as special attacks.
  20. Dvdgg

    The Binding of Isaac

    Get back once you have unlocked the Blue Baby (Finish the game 10 times).
  21. Dvdgg


    I still have a couple of Medabots toys, with changeable parts. I only have two, and my little brother broke one.Also, I used to play the GBA game when I didn't have a GBA.
  22. Dvdgg

    What's the worst injury you've ever received?

    Once a cat scratched me.Man, that hurted.Also, when I was like 3 years old, I fell from a chair and got my mouth hit with the edge of a table. I broke a front tooth and almost broke the other one.
  23. Dvdgg

    Happy 'MERICA day everyone.

    I haven't been teached how do you denominate people from the USA, so I had to use the closest noun I knew. Teach me, master.