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Posts posted by Dvdgg

  1. Why do you need firearms? Do you really have that urgent necesity of protecting yourselves with a gun instead of, I don't know, good alarm systems, ye olde spiked fence, reinforced windows, and a good door with a better lock?Or just live in a flat. Cheaper, more enviromentally-friendly, and safer.

  2. A spy raged when, as Pyro, I dominated him because he was camping right outside oe ur base in badlands. He quitted when he couldn't get a revenge as sniper.Also, that moment in which the enemy is going to win and one half of the team disconnects, some people go spectator, and from 12 players, your team is reduced to 4 players.

  3. Did you post this is big SPUF?Because if you have posted it only here that means they are..... WATCHING US :tin:Also, goddamnit, why can't that countdown go faster?EDIT: Holy shit, guys, look at the bottom of the page! A WILD BANANA PEEL APPEARS! (It's a hidden link!)http://www.teamfortress.com/pyromania/

    I wanted to post it, but my movil phone derped and deleted the message, like many other times. It has only been seen here.

  4. This thread 'sploded all of a sudden.[My inner Yugioh nerd is screaming at all the incorrect terminolody :/]I'll make some more, and then post 'em.

    In that case...Could you teach me the correct terminology? I only know the spanish one, and not only the cards I bought in chinese shops, but also some of the games aren't correctly translated.

  5. Guy, I already made a Guy card. Wait until everyone lese is done and then I'll remake your card. But please people, tell me notorious things you have done, posts you have written, so I can make effects according to your personality or at least depending on who you are. Reading the posts isn't enough, I have to know more about you.So start talking if you want a card.

  6. >Enter through one of those spiky doors>Open chest. Two pills. >First is telepills, teleports to super secret room.>Red chest with two pills. First pill: Health up. Yay!>Second pill, Health down. Easy comes, easy goes.
