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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    Your Favorite Albums

    Actually thats By The Way. And my third album was a joke, in case no one got that.
  2. You can disable that.
  3. Gold Standard


    you probably do it with the console.
  4. Gold Standard

    Your Favorite Albums

    and oh shit I almost forgot:
  5. Gold Standard

    Breaking Bad

    Everyone says I should watch it. I probably should.
  6. Gold Standard

    Happy Explosion Day!

    Binary, why is it explosion day?
  7. Gold Standard

    I Made a Deal With Ted

  8. Gold Standard

    I Made a Deal With Ted

    Only admins can negarep.Rammites gone power crazy.
  9. Gold Standard

    I Made a Deal With Ted

  10. Gold Standard

    Steam Greenlight.

    Looks like the 9/11 plane simulator got removed.
  11. Gold Standard

    Super SPUF Fighter

  12. Gold Standard

    Super SPUF Fighter

    I can do character stats. Ill go by whats already posted and try to make everything as balanced as possible.
  13. Gold Standard

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Why do none of you listen to real music
  14. Mann Up anyone? Get in the SPUF gaming group chat
  15. Gold Standard

    Searching for Medics for the Ultimate Challenge!

    Engi is bext.5ever
  16. Gold Standard

    Added a new forum theme

    Light is right
  17. Lets not forget his great contributions to the world of jazz either
  18. Gold Standard

    Super SPUF Fighter

    Gold Standard The Gold Engineer Appearance : Short, stocky man in a robotic exoskeleton. He wears a Hotrod style welding mask with gold flames. Armor : Robotic suit allows for augmented jumping capabilities. IT has one fully functional robotic arm, thought the right arm is replaced by a sentry minigun barrel. There are rocket pods mounted on each shoulder. Attacks : Melee : Neutral : Standard punch Up : Gold delivers a fierce left-handed uppercut Down : A slow splash-damage stomp with high knockback Side : A swift headbutt Special : Neutral : Slow rocket projectile is fired from shoulder mounts Up : Short propulsion boost from robotic boots Down : Gold electrocutes the area around him Taunts : Gold flips up his mask, looks down, and spits : Gunslinger taunt Went with the brawl format for that one. I was gonna add some backstory but im too lazy -__-
  19. Gold Standard

    Stupid idea i had....

    Pineapple objector is bext.
  20. Gold Standard

    TF's Birthday

    Click the little $ thingStore TransactionsShow all Find Orange Box [unless you f2p nub]
  21. Gold Standard

    TF's Birthday

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_WarcraftUnfortunately.EDIT: It seems my TF2 anniversary is exactly 2 weeks after TF2's birthday. Go figure.And my 2 year steam anniversary was 5 days ago.
  22. Gold Standard

    Normal server?

  23. Gold Standard

    Should we get a normal server?

    Rynjin's right.
  24. Gold Standard

    fresh from /tv/

    Welp.brb puking my kidneys out :slap: