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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    Steam Greenlight.

    Nah, HL3 will have to be community made now.
  2. Gold Standard

    Smache Brothers

    Batty and I belong to a brawl pseudo-cultIll leave the details up to your imaginations.
  3. Gold Standard

    Amazing Spiderman

    Filmed on my friends block, went to watch. Met Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. God brooklyn is awesome.
  4. Gold Standard

    Smache Brothers

    Pikachu Corneria Smash Ball Doctor Mario, he was da man Goomba Just stop.
  5. Gold Standard

    Stupidest server. Ever.

    My friend's little brother represents everything that is wrong with the game. He's 11 years old, constantly mic spams, is f2p, only plays enforcer spy, and only on 2fort and mario kart servers
  6. Gold Standard

    From now on...

  7. Gold Standard

    What's the worst injury you've ever received?

    A propane lantern fell on my hand. I had huge blisters for a few months. Suffice it to say, not pretty.
  8. Gold Standard

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    Die in a hole. All of the holes.I try to coexist, but that's just too much.
  9. Gold Standard

    I'm going to Valve HQ soon!

    Not if I can help it you conniving cyber turkey!
  10. Gold Standard

    Which Coast is Dominant Coast?

    Ireland, South Africa, Israel, China, India, and Egypt would like to have a word with you.
  11. Gold Standard

    Which Coast is Dominant Coast?

    England has fucked up everything they were ever involved with.
  12. Gold Standard

    Which Coast is Dominant Coast?

  13. Gold Standard

    Zero Punctuation

    Anyone else watch?Bringing this up because in his last review he directly insulted a SPUFer, albeit anonymouslyhttp://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/5998-Quantum-ConundrumA rep to anyone who can figure out who that poster was.
  14. Gold Standard

    The subSPUF Movie Club

    So when's this happening again?
  15. Gold Standard

    Zero Punctuation

    Unfortunately, I am unable to rep you at this time.
  16. Gold Standard

    Happy 'MERICA day everyone.

    I was just looking through the events calendar, apparently september 16 is Jack Churchill day
  17. Gold Standard

    Zero Punctuation

    Thats what makes it fun.
  18. Gold Standard

    Air Travel

    is literally the worst. [*]Connecting flight gets cancelled, leaving me stranded in Sand Francisco last night [*]Crashed the couch in my hotel room at 3am on my home time (EST) because they didnt have a big enough room [*]Have no idea where our bags are Now that was a fun ride.
  19. Gold Standard

    Air Travel

    Only when they have those slidey floors
  20. Gold Standard

    Left 4 Dead 2

    Damn, I'm sorry I got disconected. I can never seem to last through a whole round of one of these.
  21. Gold Standard

    Portal 2 legos

    FUCK. YEAH.lc
  22. Gold Standard


    Theres an upsetting lack of Aggron on that list
  23. Gold Standard

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Avatar state should totally have happened earlier. Like sometime when she could actually use it to fight.
  24. Gold Standard

    Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

    BEST. FUCKING. MOVIE.This should have been Meet the Pyro, seeing how ol' Abe was the first pyro anyway.
  25. Gold Standard

    Time For A Texan Genocide

    He was Texan before it wasn't cool Says the Texan.